i. flax; yabanı ~ toadflax; uzunlifli ~ long-fibred flax
i. flax grove, the place where flax grows
i. assimilation; səslərin ~sı dilç. assimilation of sounds; tam ~ wholly assimilation; yarımçıq ~ partially assimilation
i. assistant; (imtahanda) assistant examiner; (ali məktəbdə) (assistant) lecturer
i. the job of an assistant; ~ etmək to assist
i. assortment
i. (müxt. mənalarda) assosiation; Beynəlxalq Fonetika Assosiyası International Phonetic Assosiation
I. s. 1. slow; low: ~ addımlar slow steps; ~ yeriş slow walk; ~ zarıltı / inilti low / faint moan; ~ səs low voice; ~ sürət slow speed; ~ adam slowcoa
z. slowly; gently; softly; quietly; ~ yerimək to walk slowly; ~ danışmaq to speak* slowly
z. slowly; softly, gently, quietly; ~ yerimək to walk slowly; ~ danışmaq to speak* quietly / softly; to speak* in a low voice
z. in a low voice, in a hushed tone; gently, softly
s. sluggish, slow; ~ adam slowcoach, sluggard
i. threshold, doorsteps; ~nı keçmək to cross the threshold: ~da dayanmaq to stop on the threshold; həyatın ~sında on the threshold of life; bir kəsin
i. 1. lining; paltoya ~ qoymaq / çəkmək to line a coat; paltoya ~ qoydurmaq to have* a coat lined; ipək ~ silk lining; 2
fi. tik. priming, prime coating
f. 1. to sew* underneath (d.); (ayaqqabını) to sole (d.); (paltarı) to line (d.); 2. tik. to ground (d
f. 1. to have (d.) lined; to ask / to cause s.o. to line (d.); 2. tik. to have* (d.) primed; to ask / to cause smb
s. lined; (i.s.) with lining; ipək ~ silklined, (i.s.) with a silk lining
i. fabric suitable for lining
s. (i.s.) without lining, (i.s.) having no lining
i. astr. asteroid
i. tib. asthma; bronxial ~ bronchial asthma; ürək ~sı cardiac asthma
s. (i.s.) suffering from asthma
s. tib. asthmatic
i. astrobiology
s. astrophysical
i. astrophysics
i. astrology
i. astrologer
i. astronaut
i. astronautics
i. astronomer
s. astronomic(al); ~ rəqəmlər astronomical numbers
i. astronomy
i. the profession of an astronomer
I. s. free, easy; leasure; ~ xalq free people; ~ olmaq to be* free, to be* at leasure; ~ vaxt free time; ~ saatlar free / leasure hours; ~ vaxtlarda i
z. light-heartedly, carelessly
f. 1. to become* free, to free oneself; 2. to calm / to quiet / to settle down
f. to become* free; to free oneself; to become* carefree
I. i. 1. leisure, leisure-time, spare time; 2. rest, calmness II. s. leisure; ~ saatları leisure hours
z. at leisure; ~ olmaq to be* at leisure
I. i. 1. pilau, pilaw, pilaff; 2. porridge; südlü ~ milk porridge; ~ını bişirmək 1) to give* it smb. hot; 2) d
I. i. bottom (part); səhifənin ~sında at the bottom of the page II. s. 1. lower; low; ~ mərtəbə ground floor; ~ palata Lower Chamber / House; (İngiltə
z. 1. down and up; 2. ~ danışmaq to beat* about the bush; amer. to beat* around the bush
z. below, underneath, at the foot (of), at the bottom (of); ~ xatırladılmış stated / mentioned below; ~ adı çəkilən named below; ~ qol çəkənlər the un
s. the following; ~ adlar the following names; ~ sənədlər lazımdır the following documents are necessary
z. from below; from (the) bottom; ~ baxmaq to look below; ~ görünüş view from below; ~ beşinci sətir the fifth line from (the) bottom; ~ tənqid critic
f. to reduce (d.), to lower (d.), to bring* down (d.)
i. 1. bax aşpaz; 2. pilau eater, pilau lover
i. bax aşpazbaşı