i. prisoner; (məhkum olunmuş) convict; siyasi ~ state / political prisoner; bir kəsi ~ etmək to imprison smb
i. bax dustaqlıq
i. bax həbsxana
i. imprisonment; iki il ~ two years imprisonment; ~da olmaq to be* in prison; ömürlük ~ life imprisonment
i. shower; ~ qəbul etmək to have* / to take* a shower
i. shower-room
i. veil
f. to veil (d.)
f. to be* veiled
s. (i.s.) with a veil
s. (i.s.) without a veil
i. sense; beş ~ (üzvləri) the five senses; eşitmə ~su sense of hearing; görmə ~su sense of sight; dadbilmə ~su sense of taste; lamisə (toxunma) ~su se
s. sensitive, sensible; tactful; ~ adam a sensitive man*; ~ qadın a sensible woman*; ~ münasibət sensitive / tactful attitude (towards)
s. 1. insensible, unfeeling, heartless; 2. slow (-witted)
i. insensibility, heartlessness, hard-heartedness
f. 1. to feel* (d.), to have* sensation (of); to become* aware (of); 2. məc. understand (d.), to divine (d
f. to feel*, to sense, to have* a presentiment / foreboding (of, about); to prick up one’s ears
s. vigilant; ~ düşmək to feel* (d.), to understand* (d.), to have* a foreboding (of, about); ~ salmaq to let* (d
i. vigilance, continual attentiveness, watchful care
f. to be* felt, to make* itself felt, to be* noticeable
s. intangible; ~ çətinlik intangible difficulty
i. intangibility
I. i. salt; xörək ~u (common) salt, sodium chloride; dəniz ~u sea-salt; ~a qoymaq (tərəvəzi) to pickle (d
i. bread and salt; bir kəsi ~lə qarşılamaq to meet* smb. with an offering of bread and salt; to meet s
i. saltern, salt-works
i. salt-cellar
i. saline land, salt-marsh, deposit of salt
f. 1. to salt (d.); 2. (tərəvəzi) to pickle (d.); kələm ~ to pickle cabbage
f. 1. to be* salted; (tərəvəz) to be* pickled; (ət) to be* corned; 2. to become* salted
fs. salted; (tərəvəz) pickled; (ət) corned
f. to turn into salt
f. bax duzlatdırmaq
s. 1. salt; salty, salted; (tərəvəz) pickled; ~ su salt water; ~ balıq salt fish; ~ yağ salty butter; ~ xiyar salted / pickled cucumber; ~ kələm salte
i. 1. saltness; 2. məc. lik(e)ableness, attractiveness
s. 1. unsalted; (su) fresh, sweet; ~ yağ unsalted butter; 2. məc. insipid, vapid, flat, feeble; ~ zarafat (şit zarafat) flat / feeble joke
i. insufficient salting, the quality of being unsalted
nid. chuck-chuck-chuck (an exclamation used to call hens)
z. again, a second time
I. s. 1. quite even, quite plane; ~ yol quite even road; ~ səth quite plane sur face; 2. quite correct / right II
z. tete-a-tete fr., confidentially; two (together)
s.: ~ olmaq to strike*, to overtake*, to befall*; to encounter (d.); xəstəliyə ~ olmaq to be* struck by illness; Onlar bədbəxtliyə düçar oldular Misfo
i. cur, mongrel
i. 1. fife, pipe; horn; ~ çalmaq to play the fife; ~ vermək məc. to give* a vain prom ise (d.), to deceive (d
i. fife-player
i. bax düdükçalan
f. to call hens by saying chuckchuck
i. bax dahilik
i. dozen
i. shop; amer. store; baqqal ~ı grocer’s shop; ət ~ı butcher’s shop; meyvə ~ı fruit shop; çörək ~ı baker’s; dəllək ~ı barber’s (shop); dəmirçi ~ı blac
top.i. shops and markets