i. bax paxıllıq
i. arx. headman, village elder
i. the job of a headman / village elder
s. ~ dəmir yolu narrowgauge railway
I. i. bot. millet, bir kisə ~ a bag of millet II. s. millet; ~ çörəyi millet bread
I. s. dull, tedious, boring; ~ nitq a dull / tedious speech; ~ kitab a dull / tedious book; ~ həyat / söhbət tedious life / conversation; ~ axşam bori
i. dullness (dulness), tediousness, bore
f. 1. to embarrass (d.); 2. to bore (d.), to irritate (d.); to get* on smb.’s nerves; (paltar, ayaqqabı və s
f. 1. to be* bored, to have* a tedious time; 2. to miss (d.); ev üçün ~ to be* homesick, to miss one’s home-life; Mən dostum üçün çox darıxıram I miss
f. to feel* boredom / tedium
i. zool. cornbunting, bunting
f. 1. to grieve, to be* sad; 2. to be* nervous / anxious
s. 1. (küçə, yol və s.) rather narrow; 2. (otaq və s.) rather small
f. to be* made smaller / rather tight
f. to make* (d.) smaller; to make* (d.) rather tight
f. to become* / to get* smaller; to become* / to get* rather tight
i. 1. narrowness, smallness; 2. (yerin çatışmazlığı) cram, crush; Nə darısqallıqdır! What a crush! How crowded it is here! ~da yaşamaq to live cooped
i. bax darısqallıq
s. bax dar
i. narrowness; tightness
s. 1. offended (with), aggrieved, hurt; ~ olmaq to have a grudge (against); 2. angry, cross
i. 1. offence, injury, insult; 2. irritation
s. bax hövsələsiz
i. bax hövsələsizlik
f. 1. to narrow(d.), to restrict (d.); 2. (paltarı, ayaqqabını və s.) to tighten (d.) to make* (d.) tighter
f. 1. to narrow, to become* / to get* narrow; 2. (paltar, ayaqqabı və s.) to become* / to get* tighter
i. 1. narrowness; smallness; 2. (paltar, ayaqqabı və s.) tightness; 3. məc. difficulties pl. awkward / difficult situation
s. hasty, hurried
z. hurriedly, hastily, in a haste; in one’s hurry
s. rout, complete / utter destruction; ~ etmək to put* to rout; ~ dağıtmaq to smash up (d.), to destroy completely / entirely; ~ olmaq to go* to ruin,
f. to ask / to cause smb. to pull (d.), to ask / to cause smb. to draw (d.); (yedəklə) to ask / to cause smb
s. narrowish, rather / somewhat narrow; (paltar, ayaqqabı) rather / somewhat tight; (otaq və s.) rather / somewhat small
s. taut, tight drawn; ~ sim taut string; ~ əzələlər taut muscles
f. to tauten, to be* tautened; to tighten, to be* tightened; Kəndir dartıldı The rope tightened
fs. taut, tautened; tightened, tight; nağara kimi ~ drum tight
f. 1. to struggle to break loose; 2. to jerk / to draw back, to give* a jerk; 3. to stretch oneself; (gimnastik alətdə) to pull oneself up
f. to be* pulled / drawn
f. to pull*, (d., about), to stretch (d.), to draw* (d.); bir kəsin qolunu ~ to pull smb.’s sleeves; bir kəsin saçını ~ to pull smb
f. to pull each other / one another; to fall* out with each other, to quarrel with each other / one another
s. tex. tractive; ~ qüvvəsi tractive effort
f. to pull (d. by), to stretch (d.), to tug (d.); (yedəklə) to tow; bir kəsin qolundan ~ to pull smb
i. arx. bax universitet
s. small-minded, petty; ~ adam petty creature / man*
i. the quality of being smallminded / petty
i. gate; ~nın ağzında gözləmək to wait at the gate; ~dan keçmək to go* through the gate
i. door-keeper, gate-keeper
s. (i.s.) with a gate, (i.s.) having a gate
i. bax darvinist
i. Darvinist