f. to give* a flick / fillip
f. to hint (at), to drop / to make* hints (about)
f. to spurt (out); Yaradan qan cızqırdı Blood spurt out from the wound
f. to spurt (d.)
i. tib. furuncle; ~ çıxarmaq to have* furuncles
s. furunculous
I. i. flower; təzə ~ fresh / natural flower; ~ açmaq bax çiçəkləmək II. i. tib. smallpox; ~ döymək to vaccinate (d
I. i. floriculture, flower-growing II. s. floricultural
f. to flower, to blossom, to bloom; to be* in blossom / flower; Alma ağacları çiçəkləyir The apple trees are blossoming
s. bot. 1. flowering; ~ bitkilər flowering plants; 2. flowery; ~ çəmənlər flowery meadows
i. flower garden, parterre; (çiçək kərdisi) flower bed
s. bot. flowerless; ~ bitki flowerless plant
i. 1. (at haq.) hobble, horse-lock; 2. məc. hindrance, obstacle
f. to hobble (d.); atı ~ to hobble the horse
f. to be* hobbled
f. to ask / to cause smb. to hobble (d.), to have* (d.) hobbled
I. i. freckles; spots II. s. (i.s.) covered with grey (white) sports; spotty; dappled, spotted, freckled, blotched; ~ at dappled horse
i. chandelier, chandelabrum
f. to splash (d. on); su ~ to splash water (on)
f. to be* splashed
f. to ask / to cause smb. to splash (d. on)
i. sprayer, pulverizer, atomizer
i. metal craftsman* / worker; quraşdırıcı ~ fitter; (qıfıl ustası) locksmith; (alət düzəldən) tool-maker
i. metal workshop
i. 1. period of sixty days of winter; kiçik ~ period of twenty days of winter; böyük ~ period of forty cold days of winter from the beginning 2
f. 1. to cover with grey / white spots; 2. to freckle; Günəş adamın üzünü çillədir The sun freckles one’s face
f. 1. to be* covered with grey / white spots; 2. to become* freckled
f. bax çillənmək
s. freckled; ~ üz freckled face
s. ~ yağ fatty, very fat, too fat
i. pinch, nip; ~ götürmək bax çimdikləmək
f. to pinch (d.), to nip (d.); Uşağı çimdikləmə Don’t pinch the child*
f. to pinch each other / one another
f. to ask / to cause smb. to pinch (d.)
f. to bath (d.), to bathe (d.), to give a bath (d.)
i. beach; qadın / kişi çimərliyi women’s / men’s beach
f. bax çimdirmək
f. to bathe; (vannada) to take* a bath
I. i. rank; title; hərbi ~ military rank; admiral ~i the rank of admiral II. i. toothed sickle III. s
i. bot. plane (tree)
s. slender and tall
i. bot. plane grove
I. s. Chinese; ~ ingiliscə lüğət Chinese-English dictionary II. z. Chinese; ~ danışmaq to speak* Chinese / the Chinese language; ~ yazmaq to write* (i
I. i. china, porcelain II. s. china; ~ dəsti china set; ~ qab china (-ware)
f. to put* / to lay*(d.) together in orderly way / method
f. to be* put together in an orderly way / method
f. to ask / to cause smb. to put (d.) in an orderly way / method
i. Chinese, Chinee d.d.; ~lər the Chinese
i. official, functionary
i. officialdom