i. biochemistry
i. biochemist
s. biochemical
i. biographer
s. biographic(al)
i. biography
i. biology
s. biological
i. biologist
i. biosphere
I. i. one; ~ (qiymət) almaq: to get* one; İki dənə bir yazın Write down two ones II. s. the same; ~ (eyni) otaqda in the same room; ~ (eyni) söz the s
z. one by one, one at a time, one after another; ~ gəlmək to come* one by one / one after another; ~i ilə one with another, with each other; ~i ilə mü
z. 1. (söhbət haq.) in private, privately; 2. face to face; ~ə danışmaq to talk face to face
sy. one or two, a few, some; ~ söz demək to say* a few words, to drop some words
s. 1. one-man; amount / quantity enough for one person; ~ iş one-man job; 2. single-seater, (i.s.) having room for one; ~ təyyarə single-seater aircra
s. monogamous
i. monogamy
s. charge; ~ barıt gunpowder enough for one shot; ~ çay tea enough for one brew; ~ duz salt enough for one use; ~ barıtlı olmaq 1) to have* gunpowder
s. one-horse; ~ kəndli one-horse peasant, peasant with one horse
s. monoatomic
s. one-oared; ~ qayıq one-oared boat
s. bax birayaqlı
z.: ~ getmək to go* slowly
s. one-legged; ~ stol one-legged table, a table with one leg
s. month’s, monthly; ~ məzuniyyət a month’s leave; ~ plan month’s plan, plan for a month; ~ əmək haqqı monthly salary / wages pl
s. (i.s.) having only one finger
z. straight, directly; ~ evə getmək to go* straight home
z. bax birbaş
s. one-headed
z. 1. (s. bil. isimlərlə) so many; ~ kitab so many books; 2. (s. bilm. isimlərlə) so much; ~ vaxt so much time
z. one by one, one after one, one at a time; ~ saymaq to count one by one
s. one-horned, unicornous
i. the state of being onehorned / unicornous
I. sy. one, only / just one; ~ uşaq / oğul və s. only child / son, etc.; Məni bircə dəqiqə gözlə(yin) Wait for me just a minute II
z. just / only one by one, one at a time
s. k.t. single-row; ~ toxumsəpən single-drill(ing), seeding machine
s. one-volume; ~ lüğət one-volume dictionary
i. one-volume edition
s. bax bircinsli
s. bot. (bitki) unisexual
i. bot. the state of being unisexual
s. 1. homogeneous; similar; (i.s.) of the same type; 2. bot. unisexual
i. 1. the state of being homogeneous 2. the state of being unisexual
I. s. identical (with), adequate, the same; homogeneous, similar; ~ paltar identical dress; Sizin paltarınız mənimki ilə bircürdür Your dress is ident
I. z. bax bircür I II. z. bax bircür II
i. bircürlük
i. sameness, monotony, homogeneousity; similarity
s. single-bucket; ~ ekskavator single-bucket excavator
s. bax birtəkərli
i. 1. fringe; (atda) forelock; 2. (qadında) hair; birçəyi ağarmaq 1) to go* / to turn grey, to be* touched with grey; 2) məc