f. 1. to be* turned up / folded up; 2. to be* crumpled up
i. bushy place / area, place overgrown with bush / thicket
i. bureau; office; məlumat ~su information bureau, inquiry office
i. bureaucrat, red-tapist; pedant
f. as bureaucrat, like a bureaucrat; pedantically
s. bureaucratic; ~ dövlət bureaucratic government
i. bureaucracy
i. bureaucratism
f. to make* bureaucratic (d.)
fi. becoming bureaucratic
f. to become* bureaucrat / bureaucratic
i. bax bürokratizm
büruzə: ~ vermək to show* (d.), to display (d.), to manifest (d.); cəsarətini ~ vermək to show* / to display one’s courage; narazılığını ~ vermək to s
fi. wrapping, muffling; (üzünü) covering; (yorğanla) blankiting
f. 1. to wrap up (d. in), to muffle up (d. in); uşağı şalla ~ to wrap a child in a shawl, boğazını ~ to muffle one’s throat; özünü ~ to wrap oneself (
I. i. bronze II. s. bronze; ~ medal bronze medal; ◊ ~ əsri the Bronze Age
i. anything that is used for covering one’s body / face (such as a shawl, a veil, etc.)
s. (i.s.) muffled up with shawl, etc
f. to bronze (d.)
f. to cover up (d.), to wrap up (d.); (yorğanla) to blanket up (d.)
f. 1. to muffle / to wrap oneself up (in); (yorğanla) to blanket oneself up; 2. to be* covered (in); to become* covered / enveloped (with); Ev alova b
s. muffled, covered
f. 1. to rumple (d.), to crumple (d.), to wrinkle (d.); paltarı ~ to rumple / to wrinkle a dress; alnını ~ to wrinkle one’s forehead; Diqqətli olun, p
s. bax büzücü
f. to be* crumpled / wrinkled / withered
f. 1. to wrinkle, to break into wrin kles; to get wrinkled; 2. (paltar) to crease, to crumple, to become* creased / crumpled; 3
fs. wrinkled, puckered; ~ üz wrinkled face; ~ dəri puckered skin
I. i. wrinkle; (parçada) crease II. s. wrinkled; puckered; line; ~ dəri wrin kled / puckered skin
i. luxury, splendour, merriment
s. 1. festive; ~ axşam festive evening; 2. luxurious, splendid; ~ mehmanxana luxurious hotel; ~ saray splendid palace
z. perfectly, completely, utterly, entirely, wholly, stark; ~ razı olmaq to be* perfectly satisfied; özünü ~ elmə həsr etmək to devote himself / herse
i. bust
i. din. idol
i. heathen temple
s. 1. (sınmamış) unbroken, intact, safe; 2. (bütün) whole, entire; ~ şəhər the whole city; ~ gün whole day, all day long; ~ ölkə / dünya the entire co
f. to become* complete / perfect
f. to be* made whole / complete / perfect
f. to cause to become complete (d.) / perfect (d.)
f. bax bütövlənmək
i. integrity, completeness; ərazi bütövlüyü territorial integrity; ölkənin bütövliyinə təminat vermək guarantee the territorial integrity of a country
z. completely, entirely, as a whole; özünü ~ bir şeyə həsr etmək to devote oneself entirely / completely to smth
z. bütövlükdə
I. i. idolater, heathen; ~lər the heathen II. s. idolatrous
I. i. idolatry, heathendom, heathenism, heathenry II. s. idolatrous
əv. all, the whole of; ~ Baku all Baku, the whole of Baku; ~ gün all day long, the whole day
f. to cause to become* / to grow* perfect (d.) / a whole
f. to become* / to get* completed
i. integrity, completeness, entirety
z. completely, entirely, as a whole; ~ bəyənmək / təsdiq etmək to approve completely / root and branch, from top to bottom / in its entirety
i. anat. coccyges, coccyges