f. 1. to wrap up (d. in), to muffle up (d. in); uşağı şalla ~ to wrap a child in a shawl, boğazını ~ to muffle one’s throat; özünü ~ to wrap oneself (up); şərfi boynuna ~ to wrap a scarf round one’s neck; 2. to cover (up); üzünü ~ to cover one’s face; 3. to surround (d.), to gather round (d.); Ağaclar evi bürüyür The trees surround the house; 4. to envelop (d.), to shroud (d.); Evi alov bürüdü The house was enveloped in flames; Dağları duman bürüdü The mountains were shrouded / enveloped in mist; 5. (yorqanla) to blanket (d.)


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