I. i. wrinkle; (parçada) crease II. s. wrinkled; puckered; line; ~ dəri wrin kled / puckered skin
i. luxury, splendour, merriment
s. 1. festive; ~ axşam festive evening; 2. luxurious, splendid; ~ mehmanxana luxurious hotel; ~ saray splendid palace
z. perfectly, completely, utterly, entirely, wholly, stark; ~ razı olmaq to be* perfectly satisfied; özünü ~ elmə həsr etmək to devote himself / herse
i. bust
i. din. idol
i. heathen temple
s. 1. (sınmamış) unbroken, intact, safe; 2. (bütün) whole, entire; ~ şəhər the whole city; ~ gün whole day, all day long; ~ ölkə / dünya the entire co
f. to become* complete / perfect
f. to be* made whole / complete / perfect
f. to cause to become complete (d.) / perfect (d.)
f. bax bütövlənmək
i. integrity, completeness; ərazi bütövlüyü territorial integrity; ölkənin bütövliyinə təminat vermək guarantee the territorial integrity of a country
z. completely, entirely, as a whole; özünü ~ bir şeyə həsr etmək to devote oneself entirely / completely to smth
z. bütövlükdə
I. i. idolater, heathen; ~lər the heathen II. s. idolatrous
I. i. idolatry, heathendom, heathenism, heathenry II. s. idolatrous
əv. all, the whole of; ~ Baku all Baku, the whole of Baku; ~ gün all day long, the whole day
f. to cause to become* / to grow* perfect (d.) / a whole
f. to become* / to get* completed
i. integrity, completeness, entirety
z. completely, entirely, as a whole; ~ bəyənmək / təsdiq etmək to approve completely / root and branch, from top to bottom / in its entirety
i. anat. coccyges, coccyges
i. (paltarda) gathers pl., frill; (enli) flounce
f. to wrinkle (d.), to frill (d.); (parçanı) to goffer (d.); paltarı ~ to frill dress; ağzını ~ to twist one’s mouth; to make* a wry face; dodağını ~
f. to gather (d.), to make* gathers pl.; (parçanı) to goffer (d.)
f. to be* gathered; (parça) to be* goffered
s. gathered, frilly; ~ paltar a frilly dress; (parça) goffered; (dəmir, kağız) cor rugated; ~ yaxalıq goffered collar; ~ dəmir corrugated iron
s. tart, astringent; ağız ~ alma tart apple; ~ maddə astringent, astringent substance
s. wrinkled, puckered; (parçada, kağızda və s.) cockle; crooked
i. the state of being wrinkled / puckered
f. 1. bax büzüşmək; 2. (soyuqdan və s.) to shrink*; soyuqdan ~ to shrink* with cold
f. 1. to shrink up, to gather up; 2. (ağrıdan və s.) to writhe; əzabdan ~ to writhe in agony; 3. (parça, kağız və s
f. to rumple (d.), to crumple (d.); paltarı ~ to rumple a dress
s. bax büzücü
i. astrigency, acerbity, tartness
f. to be* rumpled / crumbled, to get* rumpled / crumpled
fi. shrinking up, coccking; (ağrıdan) writhing
f. 1. to shrink; 2. (ağrıdan) to writhe; (yatarkən) to nestle down
s. 1. wrinkled, puckered; crumpled; 2. shrunk
i. 1. the state of being wrinkled / crumpled; 2. the state of being shrunk
C, c the 3rd letter of the Azerbaijani alphabet
z. in order; in place; in right place; ~ etmək to put* in order (d.), to regulate / to arrange systematically (d
I. i. crack, split; (torpaqda, yerdə) cleft, fissure; (dəridə, yerdə və s.) chap II. s. cracked; chapped; ~ əllər chapped hands; ~ olmaq to get* crack
s. full of cracks; ~ olmaq to get* cracked, to crack (dəri və s.) to be* / to get* chapped; to chap; istidən ~ olmaq to crack with heat; Əllərim soyuq
f. to crack; to split*; (dəri, əl və s.) to chap; Soyuq hava dərini cadarladır The cold weather chaps the skin
i. magic, d.d. witchcraft, d.d. sorcery; ~ etmək to enchant (d.), to bewitch (d.); məc. to charm (d.)
I. i. magician, məc. wizard; (kişi) sorcerer, (qadın) sorceress, witch; (xüsusi hekayələrdə) warlock, soothsayer, məc
i. magic, bewitching, witchcraft, sorcery; məc. glamour, enchantment; ~ etmək to bewitch, to enchant
f. to conjure (d.), to practise witch craft; məc. to charm; Sanki qız onu cadulamışdı As if the girl had charmed him