f. to be* conjured / charmed
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to conjure (d.) / to charm (d.)
z. bax cabaca
f. to pale (d.), to fence in (d.), to enclose (d.) with paling
f. to be* paled, to be* fenced in, to be* enclosed with paling
i. luxury; (təmtəraq) splendour, magnificence
s. luxurious, sumptuous, luxuriant; ~ meşə luxuriant forest; (çox gözəl) splendid, magnificent; ~ ev splendid house
i. world; universe; bütün ~da in the wide world, throughout the world, all over the world, all the world over, in the whole world
i. (istilaçı) subjugator; conqueror
s. world, world-wide; universal; ~ əhəmiyyət universal importance; bu kəşfin ~ əhəmiyyəti the world importance of this invention; ~ şöhrət worldwide f
I. i. youth, youngster; ~lar the young II. s. young; ~ adam young man* / person
f. d.d. to become* younger, to look younger; to grow* younger again
i. youth, youthhood
I. i. ignorant / benighted man*; uneducated / unlearned person II. s. ignorant, igno ramus, benighted; uneducated, unlearned, unenlightened; inexperie
i. ignorance, lack of education, intellectual darkness; inexperience; (öz) cahilliyi üzündən through (one’s) ignorance
s. allowable; solvable, permissible; possible; Təbir cayizdirsə... If one may put it that way..
I. i. bot. inoculation, grafting, engrafting; (paltarda) stitch; ~ etmək bax calamaq I (1-ci və 2-ci mənalarda) II
i. 1. inoculater, engrafter; 2. (paltar) stitcher
f. bax calamaq I (1-ci və 2-ci mənalarda)
f. 1. bot. to be* inoculated / engrafted; 2. (paltar və s.) to be* stitched, to be* sewn on
i. 1. splendour, magnificence; brightness; 2. grandeur, greatness, sublimity; power, might
s. splendid, magnificent, gorgeous; sump tuous, glorious, brilliant; d.d. excellent
I. f. 1. bot. to inoculate (d. with), to engraft (d. upon); 2. (paltarı) stitch (d. to), to sew* on (d
I. f. 1. to be* inoculated / engrafted; 2. (paltar) to be* stitched / sewn on; 3. məc. (pis işə) to be* involved / implicated / entangled in II
f. 1. bot. to ask / to force smb. to inoculate (with) / to engraft (upon); 2. (paltar) to ask / to force smb
i. basin; mis ~ copper basin; saxsı ~ earth enware basin; üç ~ su three basins of water
i. public; (teatr və s.) audience; people, nation; crowd; multitude; ~ı yarıb keçmək to push / to make* / to fight* / to force / to elbow one’s way th
i. bath-house attendant
i. beautiful face, beauty, prettiness, comeliness
s. charm-faced, beautiful-faced, pretty-faced; ~ qız a beautiful-faced girl
i. laundry
i. (kişi) laundry-man*; (qadın) laundress
I. i. laundry, wash-house, (ümumi) laundrette, amer. laundromat II. s. laundry; ~ fəhləsi laundry-man*
i. bax məscid
I. i. bufallo (pl. bufalloes) II. s. bufallo; ~ qaymağı bufallo cream; ~ südü bufallo milk
I. i. 1. soul; spirit; 2. being; creature; life; 3. body; 4. force, vigour; ~ atmaq to long (for), to be* dying (for); to crave for; to yearn (for); q
z. willingly, with great pleasure, with spirit, most willingly; with all one’s soul / heart; O, bunu can-başla edər He / She will be glad to do it
s. darling, beloved; intimate; Canım-ciyərim! My heart! My (dear) life! (My) dear / darling!; ~ olmaq to be* near smb
z. honestly, willingly, from the bottom of one’s heart; ~ işləmək to work conscientiously / willingly; ~ təbrik etmək to congratulate heartily (d
I. i. charming / fascinating woman* (girl), a real beauty II. s. charmful, charming, fascinating, delightful, captivating; ~ təbəssüm fascinating smil
i. sweetheart; beloved, greatly loved; Hər kəsin öz cananı gözəldir Everyone’s own sweetheart is beautiful
I. i. wolf; Qoyun dərisi geymiş canavar A wolf in sheep’s clothing / skin II. s. wolfish; wolf; ~ balası wolf-cub; ~ iti wolf-hound, ~ sürüsü wolf-pac
z. in a friendly manner, in friendly fashion, amicably; ~ qəlbdə yaşamaq to live in harmony / concord
z. willy-nilly; against one’s will; unwillingly, reluctantly; bir şeyi ~ yerinə yetirmək to do* smth
i. zeal; diligence, ardour, assiduity; amer. assiduousness; ~ etmək to be* zealous; to be* diligent; to be* assiduous
s. (i.s.) of great vitality; tenacious (of life); stubborn; vigorous / sturdy / strong constitution; healthy; ~ qoca hale old man*; ~ olmaq to be* hea
i. healthiness; stubbornness; vigour, vitality
I. i. sympathizer II. s. sympathetic
i. sympathy; sympathies; ~ göstərmək to sympathize (with), to feel* / to express sympathy (with)