f. to be* pecked
bax dimdiklətmək
f. to peck each other / one another
f. bax dimdiklətmək
f. to cause (d.) to pick (d.)
s. (i.s.) with bill; (i.s.) with beak; (i.s.) having bill; (i.s.) having beak
i. religious
i. faith, belief, conviction, persuasion
s. dynamic (al)
i. dynamics
i. dynamic (al)
i. dynamite
i. dynamiter
s. (i.s.) having dynamite, (i.s.) mixed with dynamite
i. dynamism
i. tex. dynamo
i. dinar (a coin used in several Muslim countries)
i. worth one dinar
I. s. quiet, calm, peaceful; ~ uşaq a quiet child; ~ həyat quiet / peaceful life; Uşaqlar bu gün dincdirlər The children are quiet today II
s. calming, quieting, soothing
fi. rest, respite; relaxation
f. 1. to rest, to have* / to take* a rest; (məzuniyyətə çıxmaq) to take* a hol iday; Sizə dincəlmək lazımdır You need a rest; 2
f. 1. bax sakitləşdirmək; 2. to ask / to cause / to force smb. to be* come quiet / calm; to ask / to cause smb
f. bax dincəltmək
f. to calm / to quiet / to settle down, to calm oneself
i. rest, peace; calmness, quietness; ~ bilməmək to know* no rest: dincliyi olmamaq to have* no peace; heç kimə ~ verməmək to give* rest to nobody, to
I. i. believer; pilgrim; devout; ~lar the devout; Dindarlar məscidə tələsirdilər The devout were hurrying to the mosque II
z. piously, religiously, devoutly
i. religiousness, religiosity; piety, devoutness
i. coreligionist
i. community of religion
f. to be* interrogated / questioned
fi. 1. interrogating, questioning; 2. interrogation; examination
f. 1. to be* on good terms (with); to speak* to; to reconcile (d. with) 2. hüq. to interrogate (d.), to question (d
i. k.t. peeling / hulling mill
i. arx. woman’s headdress (in old times)
f. 1. to jump up; to bob (up and down); 2. to act / to behave light-mindedly; 3. to brag (of, about)
f. 1. to jump up all together; 2. d.d. to dance all together
f. bax dingildətmək
f. 1. to cause / to give* smb. ground to jump up; 2. to cause / to give* smb. ground to act / to behave light-mindedly
s. bax dingiş
s. light-minded, frivolous, light-headed, flippant; ~ adam light-headed / thoughtless man*, frivolous person
s. religious; ~ mərasim religious ceremony / rite; ~ xidmət religious service
f. bax danışmaq
fi. 1. auditon; 2. (müğənnini) hearing; 3. (mühazirəni və s.) attending
f. 1. to listen (to); 2. (müğənnini, musiqini və s.) to hear* (d.); 3. tib. to sound (d.); radionu ~ to listen to the radio; mühazirə ~ to attend a le
f. 1. to be* listened to / heard; 2. (mühazirə və s.) to be* attended
f. bax dinlənilmək
i. 1. listener, hearer; top.i. audience; 2. student; hərbi akademiyanın ~si a student at a military academy
f. to start to say / to talk, to begin* to speak