i. bite; the mark of gnawing
f. to be* gnawed
f. to cause to gnaw each other / one another
f. to gnaw each other / one another
f. to gnaw (d.); sümük (it və s.) ~ to gnaw a bone; (adam.) to pick a bone
f. bax gəmirmək
I. i. youth, youths; bir dəstə ~ a group of youths; ölkənin ~ləri the youth of the country II. s. young; ~ nəsil the young(er) generation; ~ seçicilər
z. youthfully
f. to rejuvenate (d.)
f. to be* rejuvenated (by)
f. to become* / to grow* / to get* younger, to look younger, to become* rejuvenated
I. i. 1. youth; youthfulness; ikinci ~ second youth; 2. top.i. youth, young people II. s. youthful; ~ həvəsi youthful enthusiasm
i. bot. 1. (meyvə) elder-berry; 2. (bitki) elder
i. elder grove
i. zool. tick
I. i. bot. caster-oil plant II. s.: ~ yağı caster-oil
s. (i.s.) having tricks
f. to seek* advice, to ask advice (of); d.d. to talk things over (with)
I. i. anat. nasopharynx II. s. anat. nasopharynxal
i. bax çəkil
i. screen, curtain (used before the bed of the newly-married people); ~ qurmaq / tutmaq to set* up a screen, to make* bed for newly-married people; gə
i. material of which a screen can be made, material fit for making a screen / a curtain
i. the part of the body below neck
i. necklace; brilyant ~ diamond necklace
i. bax hərəkət (1-ci mənada)
mod.s. 1. It is necessary (+to inf.); Gərək biz bu kitabı oxuyaq It is necessary for us to read this book; 2
s. bax lazımlı
i. bax lazımlılıq
s. bax lazımsız
i. uselessness
I. s. strained, intense, tense, intensive; ~ diqqət strained attention; ~ münasibət strained relation; ~ əmək intensive work; ~ sifət a strained / int
f. bax gərginləşmək
f. to be* intensified, to be* sharpened; to be* brought to a head
f. 1. to intensify (d.), to strain (d.), to sharpen (d.), to bring* to a head (d.); 2. (pisləşdirmək) to aggravate (d
f. 1. to become* intensified / sharp; 2. to become* aggravated / strained; Vəziyyət gərginləşib The situation has become aggravated
i. 1. tension, tensity; tenseness; beynəlxalq ~ international tension; beynəlxalq gərginliyi zəiflətmək to ease / to relax / to reduce international t
fi. tension, pull; səthi ~ fiz. surface tension
f. to lengthen out; to stretch
i. 1. kizyak (manure briquettes used for heating); 2. tension, tensity
f. to tense, to stick* out; əzələlərini ~ to tense one’s muscles; sinəsini ~ to stick* out one’s chest
i. bot. guelder rose, snowball tree
f. to stretch; O, yatağından qalxdı və gərnəşdi He / She got out of bed and stretched
i. bax hərəkət gətirilmək f. to be* brought / carried
f. 1. to bring* (d.), to fetch (d.); to carry (d.); geri ~ to bring* back (d.); Zəhmət olmasa, gedin bir parça təbaşir gətirin Go and fetch a piece of
f. bax gətirtmək
f. to ask / to cause (d.) to bring / to fetch (d.)
f. to ask / to cause to be brought / fetched
f. bax gətizdirilmək
f. 1. to chew (d.), to masticate (d.); 2. to eat* bread (without anything)