I. i. 1. siya. fraction; group, faction; partiya ~ları party factions; ~lar arası(nda) mübarizə struggle between factions; factional conflict; 2
i. siya. factionary, factionist, factioneer
i. siya. factionalism, fractionalism
i. fragment
s. fragmentary
i. fragmentariness; fragmentary character (of)
i. (pul) franc
i. tar. Franks
I. i. Frenchman*, (qadın) Frenchwoman* II. s. French; ~ dili French, the French language; ~-ingiliscə lüğət French-English dictionary
I. s. French, in French, in the French language; ~ yazmaq to write* in French II. z. French, in French; ~ danışmaq to speak* French
f. to be* Frenchified
f. to Frenchify (d.)
f. to Frenchify, to become* / to be* Frenchified
s. Frenchified
i. phrase; adi ~ ordinary phrase
i. phraseology
s. phraseological; ~ lüğət phraseological dictionary; ~ birləşmə phraselogical unit
i. 1. dən. frigate; 2. zool. frigatebird
i. rəs. fresco
i. tex. cutter, milling; ~ dəzgahı milling-machine
i. milling-machine operator
f. tex. to mill (d.), to cut* (d.)
s. frontal; ~ hücum frontal / direct attack; ~ sorğu frontal interrogation / interrogatory / questioning
i. kim. fructose
i. mus. fugue
i. fougasse; high-explosive; ~ bombası high-explosive / demolition bomb
s. fundamental; substantial; solid; basic; ~ bina a solid building; ~ tədqiqat fundamental investigation / research; ~ əsər basic work; ~ surətdə / şə
i. funicular (railway)
s. 1. riyaz. functional; ~ hesablama functional calculus; ~ asılılıq functional dependence; 2. tib. dynamic disease; ~ ürək xəstəliyi functional heart
i. functionality, functional dependence
i. function; törəmə ~ riyaz. derived function; tərs(imə) ~ riyaz. inverse function; ~ ifa etmək to function, to fulfil a function (of); ~ daşımaq to f
I. i. (çəki ölçüsü) pound II. i. (pul vahidi): ~ (sterlinq) pound (sterling)
i. (uzunluq ölçüsü) foot
i. football; amer. soccer; ~ oynamaq to play football
i. football-player; footballer
i. the profession of a footballplayer
i. case; alət ~ı instrument case
i. futurist
i. in. futurism
i. good* opportunity, convenient / opportune moment; ~ düşmək to have* good* opportunity; ~i əldən vermək (fövtə vermək) to miss good* opportunity, to
s. charming, fascinating, captivating, lovely, delightful; ~ təbəssüm charming / captivating smile; ~ qadın / qız / təranə / mənzərə lovely woman* / g
z. bax füsunkarlıqla
i. fascination, captivation, charm
z. charmingly; delightfully; fascinatingly; ~ gülümsəmək to smile charmingly / delightfully
i. fuselage, hull
z. more, much more
G, g the 9th letter of the Azerbaijani alphabet
bağ. now... now; ~ burada ~ orada now here, now there, here and there
z. bax gahdanbir
z. sometimes, at times, from time to time, now and then, now and again