i. chat; chatter; talk, conversation; ~ etmək / vurmaq to chat, to have* a chat (on, about); Gapı kəsin! Stop chattering!
I. i. chatterer, chatterbox; talker; ~ olmaq to be* a chatterer / chatterbox II. s. chatty; talkative; ~ qadın a chatty / talkative woman*
i. talkativeness; chattering
I. i. plum II. s. plum; ~ ağacı plum tree; ~ cemi plum jam
i. plum-tree grove
I. s. late; tardy; ~ qonaq late guest; ~ olmaq to be* late; ~ çatma tardy arrival II. z. late, tardily; Avtobus 5 dəqiqə gec gəldi The bus arrived 5 m
z. seldom, rarely, not often
z. sooner or later, some time or other, early or late
z. bax tezdən
I. i. 1. night; bütün ~ all night; bir ~də within a night; Qütb ~si the Polar night; Min bir ~ The Arabian Nights; keçən ~ last night; sabah ~ tomorro
s. night and day; the clock round, round the clock
z. bax gecəbəgündüz
s. night and day, day and night
i. bax pərvanə
i. night blindness
i. 1. bax yarasa; 2. d.d. one who can’t sleep by nights
f. to pass the night, to spend* the night, to stay (for) the night, to stay overnight; çöldə ~ to spend* the night in the open
s. bax gecə-gündüz
s.: bir ~ smth. enough for a night; for a night
i. nightcap
z. midnight; ~da at midnight; ~dan sonra after midnight; ~dan əvvəl before midnight
z. midnight; Onlar şəhərə gecəyarısı çatdılar They arrived in the city at midnight
f. 1. to cause to be late, to make* smb. be late; 2. to delay; cavabı ~ to delay one’s answer, to be* slow in answer; məvacibi ~ to fail to pay out sa
f. 1. to be* late, to be* overdue; beş dəqiqə ~ to be* five minutes late / overdue; Qatar / təyyarə / avtobus və s
s. late ripening; late
z. going, in motion; ~ yatmaq to fall* asleep on one’s feet
i. visitors, callers; guests; passers-by
i. d.d. exile; Siberia
i. 1. going-away / out / off; leaving, departure; 2. şahm. move; (qumarda) lead, turn; Gediş sizindir şahm
i. 1. motion; traffic; comings and goings; sərnişin ~i passenger traffic; küçə ~i street traffic; 2. (əlaqə) intercourse; relation; ~i kəsmək to break
I. i. biol. gene II. s. wide, broad; ~ qapı wide door; ~ yol wide road; ~ çay wide / broad river; ~ tuman / yubka wide skirt
I. s. 1. spacious, roomy; (geyim) loose, wide; ~ zal spacious hall; 2. free; ~ həyat free and untrammelled life II
i. (məkan) expanse; məc. freedom, liberty
z. afar, from afar, at a distance, from a distance; ~ baxmaq to look from a distance
z. bax gendən
i. genealogy
s. genealogical; ~ cədvəl genealogical table
I. i. general; (familiya qarşısında) General; ordu ~ı general of the Army II. s. general’s; ~ rütbəsi generalship, rank of general
i. governor-general
i. lieutenant-general
i. major-general
i. colonel-general
i. Generalissimo (pl. -os)
i. the generals pl., the general officers pl
i. the position of a general
i. fiz. generation
i. tex. generator; qaz ~u gas generator / producer; cərəyan ~u dynamo; dəyişən cərəyan ~u alternator; sabit cərəyan ~u direct-current generator
s. genetic
i. genetics pl
i. genesis, origin