i. Christianity
I. i. kim. chromium, chrome II. i. (dəri) box-calf III. s.: ~ çəkmə box-calf boots
f. tex. to plate / to coat (d.) with chromium, to chrome-plate (d.)
f. to be* chrome-plated
s. kim. chromous, chromic; ~ turşu chromic acid; ~ polad chromium steel
i. chronology
s. chronological
nid. good-bye; bye-bye, bye now, bye
nid. bax xudafiz
f. to say* good-bye (to), to take* (one’s) leave (of), to bid* adieu (i.), to bid* farewell (i.); Onlar çox uzun xudahafizləşdilər They were a long ti
bağ. if, in case (of); Xudanəkərdə o gəlsə... If he / she comes..
i. bax Allah
s. bax xudpəsənd
z. bax xudpəsəndcəsinə
i. bax xudpəsəndlik
s. intimate, friendly; ~ restoran intimate restaurant; ~ söhbət intimate conversation; ~ xidmət friendly service
I. i. egoist, self-lover II. s. selfish, egoistical, self-loving, self-interested, self-seeking
z. selfishly, egoistically
i. selfishness, self-love, egoism; ~ etmək to be* self-lover / egoist
i. 1. hooligan, ruffian; 2. d.d. rowdy
i. hooliganism, ruffianly behaviour; ruffianism, rowdyism; ~ etmək to behave / to act like a hooligan; futbol yarışlarında ~ rowdyism at football matc
s. 1. (içki ilə əlaqadar) the morningafter, hang-over; ~ olmaq to have* a hang over, to have* a bad / thick head; 2
z. languorously, languidly
s. languorous eye, (i.s.) with languorous eyes
s. bax xumargöz
f. to become* languished; to languish (for)
i. languor
s. bloodthirsty, sanguinary
i. 1. prejudice; superstition; 2. fable, cock-and-bull story
i. 1. superstitious person; 2. fanatic
i. saddle-bag, carpet-bag
I. i. date II. s.: ~ ağacı date-palm; ~ qəndi date-sugar; ~ şərabı date-wine
i. date-palm plantation
s. chestnut (-coloured); ~ saç chestnut-coloured hair
i. seasoning with meat, dried fruit, chestnut and spices
ara s. shortly, in a nut shell, in short, to cut* a long story short
I. i. 1. essence; short content, main point; 2. summary II. ara s. in short, thus, so, to cut* a long story short, to put* it shortly
i. illusion, fantasy, fancy; unreal dream; boş ~ idle fancy; ~ yaratmaq to create illusion
i. dreamer, visionary, day-dreamer
i. dreaminess
s. cheerful, joyous; merry, gay, lively
qoş. of, about, concerning, relative to; Bu xüsusda nə deyə bilərsiniz? What can you say of / about it?
ara s. 1. especially; particularly; Mən bu gün xüsusən məşğulam I am especially busy today; 2. just; Xüsusən ona görə ki,
s. 1. special, especial; ~ olaraq specially, especially; Bu xüsusi olaraq sizin üçün alınmışdır It is bought specially for you; 2
z. bax xüsusən
f. 1. to be* made private / non-state; 2. to be* denationalized
f. 1. to isolate (d.); 2. to denationalize (d.)
f. 1. to stand* apart, to keep* aloof; 2. qram. to be* detached; 3. to become* private / non-state
fs. 1. bax özəlləşmiş; 2. qram. detached; ~ tamamlıq detached object
i. peculiarity, feature; characteristics pl.; milli ~ national peculiarity / feature; yerli ~ local peculiarity / feature