I. s. expressive; ~ sifət expressive face II. z. expressively
i. expressiveness; nitqin ifadəliliyi expressiveness of speech
s. inexpressive, inexpressible; ~ gözlər inexpressive eyes
i. inexpressiveness
i. 1. bankruptcy, insolvency; ~a uğramaq, ~ etmək to become* bankrupt / insolvent; 2. (quruluş və s.) break-up; ~ etmək to fail, to be* a failure
i. tib. paralysis, palsy; uşaq ~i infant paralysis; ~ vurmaq, ~ olmaq to be* paralysed
s. tib. paralysed; ~ qol paralysed arm
I. i. extreme; ~ a varmaq to run* to extremes II. s. extreme; ~ sol the extreme left
i. extremist
i. extremism
i. secretion, excretion; ~ etmək to secrete (d.); (lazımsız maddəni) to excrete (d.); (irin) to discharge (d
I. i. excreta II. s. secretory, excretory; ~ orqanları organs of secretion, secretory organs
s. bax ifrazat II
i. witch; hag; qoca ~ old hag
i. witchery; ~ etmək to display witchery, to act / to behave as a hag, to act like a hag
i. exposure, unmasking; ~ etmək to expose (d.), to unmask (d.), to lay* bare; (kütləvi şəkildə) to denounce (d
s. unmasking, accusing; ~ nitq accusing speech
i. din. the breaking of a fast; the meal taken at sundown (during the fast of Ramazan); ~ını açmaq to break* one’s fast
i. (smth.) suitable to the breaking of one’s fast; meal eaten at the breaking of one’s fast
i. pride; ~ hiss etmək to be* proud (of), to take* pride (in); to get* on one’s high horse idiom.; Siz bizim iftixarımızsınız You are our pride
z. proudly; ~ danışmaq to speak* proudly
s. proud, proud-hearted; ~ baxış proud look
I. i. slander, calumny, aspersion; (mətbuatda) libel; bir kəsin haqqında ~ danışmaq to talk slanderously about smb
I. i. slanderer, calumniator; ~ olmaq to be* a slanderer II. s. slanderous, calumniatory; libellous; ~ adam slanderous person
i. slander, calumny, aspersion
I. i. a brave man*, a man of courage; ~lər top.i. the brave II. s. brave, courageous, gallant, fearless; aslan kimi ~ as brave as a lion; ~ oğlan a br
z. bravely, courageously, fearlessly, gallantly; ~ vuruşmaq to fight* bravely / fearlessly / courageously
f. to become* brave / fearless, to have* the courage (+to inf.), to pluck up / to gather one’s courage
i. bravery; courage, fearlessness; ~ göstərmək to act bravely / courageously, to display / to show* bravery
z. like / as a man of courage; ~ vuruşmaq to fight as a man of courage
i. disturbance, unrest, trouble; ~ törətmək to disturb the peace, to sow* / to spread* discord; işsizlər və kasıblar arasında ~ unrest among the poor
i. trouble-maker; rabble-rouser
s. troubled; ~ vaxtlar / günlər troubled times / days, stirring times
i. siya.-iq. export; ~ etmək to export (d.)
I. i. siya.-iq. exportation II. s. siya.-iq. export (attr.); ~ ticarəti export trade
i. siya.-iq. exporter
i. difference (of), disagreement (in), discord; baxışların ~ı difference of opinions; ~ı həll etmək to settle / to resolve the differences; ~ salmaq t
s. controversial, questionable, debatable, arguable
s. (i.s.) without differences / discord
i. agreeability, co-ordination
i. invention; ~ etmək to invent (d.)
i. inventor; (qadın) inventress
I. i. inventiveness II. s. inventive; ~ qabiliyyəti inventive faculty
i. 1. (mətndə) abridgement; ~ etmək (mətni) to abridge (d.); 2. (azaltma) reduction, cutting down, cut-back; silahların ~ı reduction of armaments; şta
z. in abbreviated form; ~ çap etmək to print in abbreviated form
f. to abbreviate (d.), to abridge (d.), to cut* short (d.); to cancel (d.)
f. to be* abbreviated / abridged, to get* abbreviated
f. to ask / to cause smb. to abbreviate (d.) / to cut short (d.); (mətni) to ask / to cause s.o. to abridge (d
s. abbreviated, contracted; (mətn) abridged
i. profession; trade; speciality; ~ qazanmaq to acquire a profession, to learn* a trade; ~ seçmə choice of profession; ~ını artırmaq to raise the leve