i. bax çəkil
i. screen, curtain (used before the bed of the newly-married people); ~ qurmaq / tutmaq to set* up a screen, to make* bed for newly-married people; gə
i. material of which a screen can be made, material fit for making a screen / a curtain
i. the part of the body below neck
i. necklace; brilyant ~ diamond necklace
i. bax hərəkət (1-ci mənada)
mod.s. 1. It is necessary (+to inf.); Gərək biz bu kitabı oxuyaq It is necessary for us to read this book; 2
s. bax lazımlı
i. bax lazımlılıq
s. bax lazımsız
i. uselessness
I. s. strained, intense, tense, intensive; ~ diqqət strained attention; ~ münasibət strained relation; ~ əmək intensive work; ~ sifət a strained / int
f. bax gərginləşmək
f. to be* intensified, to be* sharpened; to be* brought to a head
f. 1. to intensify (d.), to strain (d.), to sharpen (d.), to bring* to a head (d.); 2. (pisləşdirmək) to aggravate (d
f. 1. to become* intensified / sharp; 2. to become* aggravated / strained; Vəziyyət gərginləşib The situation has become aggravated
i. 1. tension, tensity; tenseness; beynəlxalq ~ international tension; beynəlxalq gərginliyi zəiflətmək to ease / to relax / to reduce international t
fi. tension, pull; səthi ~ fiz. surface tension
f. to lengthen out; to stretch
i. 1. kizyak (manure briquettes used for heating); 2. tension, tensity
f. to tense, to stick* out; əzələlərini ~ to tense one’s muscles; sinəsini ~ to stick* out one’s chest
i. bot. guelder rose, snowball tree
f. to stretch; O, yatağından qalxdı və gərnəşdi He / She got out of bed and stretched
i. bax hərəkət gətirilmək f. to be* brought / carried
f. 1. to bring* (d.), to fetch (d.); to carry (d.); geri ~ to bring* back (d.); Zəhmət olmasa, gedin bir parça təbaşir gətirin Go and fetch a piece of
f. bax gətirtmək
f. to ask / to cause (d.) to bring / to fetch (d.)
f. to ask / to cause to be brought / fetched
f. bax gətizdirilmək
f. 1. to chew (d.), to masticate (d.); 2. to eat* bread (without anything)
I. i. talker, chatterbox, gas-bag, windbag, blabber(mouth) II. s. talkative, garrulous III. z. garrulously; stupidly, foolishly
f. to chatter, to blabber, to talk nonsense
i. talkativeness, blabberness
i. belching, belch, eructation
f. to belch
i. bax gəyirmə
f. to cause smb. to belch
f. 1. to lead (d.), to conduct (d.); (miniklə) to drive* (d.); (atı) to draw* (d.); to take out for a walk; (miniklə) to take* for a drive (d
z. walking, going
i. pomegranate peel
s. 1. wandering, roaming; vagrant; ~ musiqiçi vagrant musician; 2. walking; ~ xəstə walking patient
I. i. 1. traveller; idler; 2. a fancy woman, a fallen woman*; (kişi) rake, immoral man*, reveller II
i. 1. idleness; 2. looseness
z. 1. walk constantly / continually; 2. (axtarmaq) to look for (d.) for a long time, to seek* (d.) for a long time
f. bax gəzib-dolaşmaq
f. to travel, to tour, to make a journey, to go* on a trip; Avropanı ~ to be* on trip to Europe; dünyanı ~ to journey all over the world
z. bax gəzə-gəzə
f. to walk up and down; to walk along; to have* a walk, to pace up and down, to go* to and fro; otaqda ~ to pace up and down the room; platformada ~ t
i. walk, taking a walk, walking; picnic, airing; outing; (miniklə) drive; (atla) ride; (qayıqla) sail; (xizəklə) ski; trip; bayram ~si festival, outdo