s. undersized, dwarfish, shortish; ~ kişi an undersized man*
s. bax xırdabuynuzlu
s.: ~ heyvanlar sheep and goats pl., small-cattle
s. 1. tiny, wee; 2. small, slight; ~ əksəriyyət narrow / small majority
I. i. small-minder, small-minded person, pedant II. s. small-minded, meanspirited; pedantic
i. meanness, pettiness, pedantry; ~ etmək to be* small-minded / pedant, to act small-mindedly
s. fine-grained, small-grained
s. small-tooth, fine-tooth; ~ daraq small-tooth comb
f. 1. (pulu) to change (d.); pulunu ~ to change one’s money; 2. to cut* into small pieces (d.), to break* / to smash to pieces (d
f. 1. to be* changed; 2. to be* cut into small pieces
f. to get* / to become* (very) small (in size)
f. 1. to cause / to ask smb. to change (d.); 2. to cause / to ask smb. to cut into small pieces (d.)
f. bax xırdalatdırmaq
i. 1. infancy, nonage; 2. smallness
I. i. knick-knack (nicknack), smallsale commodity II. s.: ~ istehsalı small-sale commodity production; ~ mağazası haberdasher’s (shop); ~ malları fanc
f. 1. to wheeze; 2. (xırıltılı səslə danışmaq) to speak* hoarsely, to croak
f. to cause / to force (d.) to wheeze
i. 1. wheeze; ölümqabağı ~ death-rattle; 2. tib. (ciyərlərdə) crepitation
s. hoarse, raucous; ~ səs hoarse voice
i. k.t. thrashing-floor
i. thrasher
f. bax xirtdəkləmək
f. to crunch; Donmuş qar ayaqlarımız altında xırtıldadı The frozen snow crunched under our feet
s. crisp, crunch; ~ qar crisp snow; ~ pul crisp bank note
i. crunch; donmuş qarın ~sı the crunch of frozen snow
s. soundlessly, noiselessly; ~ gülmək to laugh noiselessly
i. arx. wooden plough
f. to rustle; Yarpaqlar ayağımız altında xışıldadı The leaves rustled under our feet
f. to rustle (d.); to cause smth. to rustle; Külək yarpaqları xışıldadır The wind is rustling the leaves
i. 1. rustle, rustling; 2. tib. (ciyərlərdə) crepitation
f. to plough (d.) with wooden plough, to till (d.) with wooden plough; yeri ~ to till the land with a wooden plough; Bu yeri xışlamaq çətindir This la
f. to be* ploughed / tilled with a wooden plough
f. to cause / to ask smb. to plough / to till with wooden plough; to have* (d.) ploughed with a wooden plough
f. bax ovuclamaq
Xızır i. Khizir (one of the Moslem prophets)
i. 1. service; həqiqi ~ hərb. service with the colours, active service; həqiqi ~də olmaq to be* on the active list; hərbi ~də olmaq to serve in the (a
i. employee; office or professional worker; salaried person; dövlət ~si office employee; (İngiltərədə) civil servant
i. the state of being an employee / office worker
s. official; ~ vəzifə official duties / functions; ~ ezamiyyətdə olmaq to be* away on a business trip
i. 1. lie, falsehood, contradictory; əqlin / düşüncənin ~ına contradictory to common sense; Onun sözündə xilaf olmur He never tells falsehoods; Danışı
i. bax xəlifəlik
i. unusual, uncommon; Burada xilafi-adət heç bir şey yoxdur There is nothing out of the ordinary in it
s. illegal, illicit; ~ ticarət illicit trade
i. rescue; escape; məc. salvation; deliverance; ~ etmək to save (d.); (təhlükədən) to rescue (d.); (avadanlığı yanğından və s
s. salutary; saving; ~ vasitə saving remedy
I. i. deliverer, liberator; rescuer, saviour II. s. ~ ordu salvation army
i. emancipation, salvation; the act of saving / rescuing / delivering
i. 1. creation, making; 2. nature; God
i. anat. cartilage, gristle
i. khangal (an Azerbaijani dish, prepared of meat and rolled pastry)