s. double-voiced, two-voiced
s. bax ikicərgəli
i. two; onların ~ two of them
s. two-stringed; ~ musiqi aləti twostringed musical instrument
i. d.d. ten-copeck coin / piece
s. (i.s.) of two scenes, two-scene
s. bax ikitağlı
s. two-arch, two-arched
s. bax ikiaylı
s. two-layer, two-stratum
s. bax ikitəkərli
s. two-wheeled; ~ araba twowheeled cart
s. two-sided; double; bilateral; twoway; ~ müqavilə bilateral agreement; ~ kontakt bilateral contact; ~ sətəlcəm tib
i. discord, dissension; ~ salmaq to sow* discord / dissension
I. i. hypocrite, dissembler II. s. hypocritical; double-faced, two-faced; ~ adam hypocritical person
i. hypocrisy, double-facedness; ~ etmək to play the hypocrite, to be* hypocritical
s. double-sided; bilateral
s. two-year old, two-year (attr.); (i.s.) of two
s. two-year old; (i.s.) of two; ~ uşaq a child of two, two-year old child
s.: ~ çarpayı double bed
s. two-seater (attr.); ~ avtomobil / təyyarə və s. two seater; ~ kupe (vaqonda) double (sleeping) compartment, two-berth compartment
i. aversion, disgust, loathing; ~ yaratmaq to fill with aversion / disgust / loathing
z. disgustingly, loathingly
i. elixir; həyat ~ i elixir of life
i. bax tale
I. i. climate; isti ~ hot / torrid climate; sağlam ~ healthy climate; quru ~ dry climate; yumşaq ~ mild climate; beynəlxalq ~ international climate II
f. to be* acclimatized / climated
f. acclimatization
f. to acclimatize (d.), to climate (d.)
fi. acclimatization
f. to get* / to become* acclimatized; to acclimatize oneself
s.: isti / soyuq / sağlam və s. ~ ölkə a country with hot / cold / healthy, etc. climate
i. admission, acknowledgement, confession; affirmation; ~ etmək to affirm (d.), to admit (d.), to confess (d
i. bax sitat
i. 1. strength, force; yeriməyə ~ı olmamaq to have* no strength to walk, to be* too weak to walk; 2. possibility; Onun yaşamaq iqtidarı yoxdur He / Sh
s. 1. bax gücsüz; 2. bax imkansız
i. 1. bax gücsüzlük; 2. bax imkansızlıq
i. economy; siyasi ~ political economy
i. bax iqtisadiyyatçı
s. economic; ~ siyasət economic policy; ~ coğrafiya economic geography; beynəlxalq ~ əlaqələr international economic relations; ~ inkişaf economic dev
i. economy; economics; kapitalist ~ı capitalist economy
i. economist
i. year; keçən ~ last year; bu ~ this year; gələn ~ next year; üç ~ əvvəl three years ago; üç ~dən sonra in / after three years, three years later; ca
z. all the year round, the whole year, always
i. goddess; məhəbbət ~si (Venera) goddess of love; müdriklik ~si (Afina) goddess of wisdom
I. i. bax Allah II. s. divine; ~ gözəllik divine beauty; ~ məhəbbət Platonic love III. nid. My God! Good God! Good Lord! Goodness me!
f. to be* idiolized, to be* divinified
fi. idiolization, deification
f. to idolize (d.), to divinify (d.), to deify (d.), to worship (d.); pulu ~ to deify money
i. deity, divinity