i. ugliness
f. to cause to become / to grow mouldy / musty
f. to mould, to become* mouldy / musty, to become* covered with mould; to mildew; Pendir isti nəm havada kiflənir Cheese moulds in warm wet weather
s. bax kifli
s. mouldy; (i.s.) covered with mould; musty; mildewed; ~ pendir mouldy cheese; ~ çörək mouldy bread; ~ kitablar musty old books
i. mustiness, mouldiness
i. bax qıfıl
f. bax qıfıllamaq
f. bax qıfıllanmaq
f. bax qıfıllatmaq
s. bax qıfıllı
s. bax qıfılsız
i. kilim ( a tapestry-woven type of rug)
i. kilim-weaver
i. 1. kilim-weaving; 2. the profession of a kilim-weaver
i. 1. flock, tow, hards pl.; 2. (saç haq.) matted hair, shaggy / tousy hair; mat; mane d.d
f. to tousle (d.), to make* tousy / shaggy (d.)
f. 1. to turn into flock / tow / hards; 2. (saç haq.) to become* shaggy / tousy / matted; to turn into mat
s. shaggy- / tousy-haired, mat-haired
s. tangled, muddled up; ~ düşmək to get* tangled; ~ salmaq to tangle (d.)
i. bax kiloqram
i. kilocalorie, kilogram-calorie, large calorie
i. kilogram(me)
i. kilogrammetre
i. kilolitre
i. kilometre
i. kilowatt
i. kilowatt-hour
I. i. church; cathedral II. s. church, cathedral; spiritual; ~ məhkəməsi spiritual courts
əv. who; ~ ki... he who...; heç ~ nobody, no one; hər ~ anybody / somebody Kim bilsin / bilir... Who knows
əv. whom, to whom; Kitabı kimə verdin? To whom did you give the book? Məktubu kimə göndərdin To whom did you send the letter?
kimi qoş. 1. like; as; mənim ~ like me; as I; 2. as soon as; O, gələn kimi mənə xəbər ver As soon as he comes, let me know; 3
əv. whose; Bu kimin kitabıdır? Whose book is it?
əv. whose; Bu kiminkidir? Whose is this?
əv. some (people); one; Kimisi siqaret çəkir, kimisi rəqs edir, kimisi isə söhbət edirdi Some were smoking, some were dancing and some were talking
i. kimono
əv. 1. (naməlum şəxs) somebody, someone; 2. (heç kim) no one, nobody
I. s. 1. (qohum-qardaşsız) (i.s.) without kith or kin; ~ qadın a woman without kith or kin; 2. (uşaq haq
i. 1. (qohumsuzluq) being without kith or kin; (uşaq haq.) orphanage, orphanhood; 2. (tənhalıq) loneliness, solitude
I. i. chemistry; üzvi ~ organic chemistry; qeyri-üzvi ~ inorganic chemistry II. s. chemical; ~ laboratoriyası chemical laboratory; ~ sənayesi chemical
i. chemist
i. 1. bax kimyaçı; 2. alchemist
i. 1. the profession of a chemist; 2. alchemy; 3. the profession of an alchemist
f. to be* chemicalized
fi. chemicalization
f. to chemicalize (d.)
s. chemical; ~ maddə chemical substance; ~ element (chemical) element; ~ kübrə chemical fertilizer; ~ birləşmə chemical compound; ~ karandaş indelible
i. rancour, malice, spite; ~ bəsləmək / saxlamaq to nurse / to bear* / to owe smb. a grudge, to bear* malice (to), to have* a spite (against)
i. bax kin
i. (üstüörtülü söz, ifadə) allusion; (eyham) hint; (istehza) irony; acı ~ caustic / biting hint; biting irony; ~ etmək (üstü örtülü demək) to allude (