s. (üstüörtülü) allusive; (istehzalı) ironical; ~ baxış / nəzər ironical look / glance
i. cinema, cinematograph
s. cinematographic
i. cinematographer
I. i. cinematography II. s. cinematographic; ~ sənayesi cinematographic industry
s. fiz. kinetic; ~ enerji kinetic energy
i. fiz. kinetics
i. əcz. quinine
s. rancorous, spiteful, malicious; ~ olmaq to be* rancorous / spiteful / malicious; to be* full of rancour (against)
s. rancorously, maliciously; (qəzəbli) angrily
i. rancorousness, spitefulness, maliciousness
I. i. 1. cinema; d.d. movies pl. səsli ~ talking pictures pl., sound-pictures pl.; talkies d.d.; səssiz ~ silent film; 2
i. film / screen actress; amer. cinemactress
i. film / screen actor; amer. cinemactor
i. 1. (çəkmək üçün) camera; 2. (göstərmək üçün) film projector
i. film studio
i. cinema factory; film studio
i. film festival
i. film, motion picture; amer. movie
i. news-reel; topical film
i. news-reel
i. sequence; still
i. cine-camera
i. comedy film
i. film projector, film unit; səyyar ~ portable film projector
f. to be* included in cinema circuit
f. to include (d.) in cinema circuit
i. cine-film, film strip, tape, reel (of film)
i. projectionist; cinema operator
i. the profession of a projectionist
i. film-mounting
i. cameraman
i. the profession of a cameraman
i. cinerama
i. cinema-producer, (motion picture) producer; film director
i. the profession of a cinema-producer
i. cinema advertisement
i. cinema show
i. scenario, film script
i. scenario writer, script writer, scenarist
i. cinema, (moving-) picture palace; amer. movie house
s. placable, appeasable, easily appeased; forgiving
i. kiosk, kiosque, booth; qəzet ~u news-stall, news-stand; kitab ~u book-stall
i. stall-keeper
I. s. compact; (parça haq.) dense, close; tight; hermetic II. z. closely, tightly; qapını ~ örtmək to shut the door tightly; ~ sıxmaq to cling* close
f. to tighten (d.), to make* tight (d.)
f. to tighten, to become* tight(er)
i. compactness; denseness, density; tightness
i. filth, dirt; ~ bağlamaq / basmaq to be* covered with dirt, to become* dirty / filthy