f. to be* mixed / diluted
i. mule; ~ kimi (dözümlü) mulish, stubborn
i. muleteer; mule breeder
i. mule breeding
i. bot. horse-tail, mare’s tail
f. to be* mixed / put into disorder
f. 1. to mix (d. with), to blend (d. together with); rəngləri ~ to mix / to blend colours together; Qəndi, unu və yumurtanı qarışdırın Blend / mix the
I. i. 1. mixture; blend; 2. tex. alloy II. s. mixed; crossed, mongrel; hybrid; ~ repertuar mixed repertoire; ~ meşə mixed forest / wood; ~ rəqəm riyaz
i. 1. bustle, turmoil; 2. alarm, commotion; confusion, muddle; 3. unrest
f. 1. to mix (with), to mingle (with), to merge (with, into); Yağ suya qatışmır Oil doesn’t mix with water; izdihama ~ to mingle / to merge with the c
i. killer; (qəsdən adam öldürən) murderer; (qadın) murderess; (siyasi səbəbdən dövlət başçısını, partiya liderini və s
i. murderousness, crime, evil deed
I. i. puff bun, puff doughnut II. fs. folding; collapsible, tipup; flap; ~ stul folding chair; ~ oturacaq collapsible / tip-up / flap seat; ~ bıcaq cl
f. to fold (up, in) (d.); paltarı / əl dəsmalını və s. ~ to fold clothes / handkerchiefs, etc.; qollarını ~ to fold one’s arms; qəzeti, məktubu və s
f. to be* folded
fs. folded; ~ səhifə folded page
s. bax dözülməz I
I. fi. geol. stratification; deposition; layer; stratum II. fi. long-suffering, stubbornness
I. f. to stratify II. f. to stand* (d.), to bear (d.), to suffer (d.), to endure (d.); to have* suffered much; zəhmətə ~ to toil / to work hard III
f. bax qatlatdırmaq
I. i. poliqr. folder II. s. poliqr. folding; ~ maşın folding machine, folder
s. 1. pleated; ~ tuman pleated skirt; 2. geol. folded, plicate; ~ dağlar folded mountains
i. cord, twine
s. bax qarmaqarış II
I. s. bax qarmaqarışıq I II. z. bax qarmaqarışıq II
i. bax qarmaqarışıqlıq
f. bax qatışdırmaq
I. i. 1. tar; (maye) pitch; ağac ~ı wood tar; ~ kimi qara as black as pitch, jet-black; 2. (təbii) resin II
i. tar-worker
i. the job of a tar-worker
i. tar-works
f. to tar (d.), to pitch (d.); to resin (d.); yol ~ to tar a road
f. 1. to be* tarred / pitched; 2. to be* resined
fs. 1. tarred, pitched; 2. resined; ~ kəndir tarred rope
f. to turn into resin / tar / (maye) pitch
f. bax qatranlatmaq
f. 1. to cause / to ask smb. to tar (d.); 2. to ask / to cause smb. to resin (d.)
s. 1. resinous, resiniferous; ~ ağac resiniferous tree; 2. bax qatranlanmış
i. tambourine
i. tambourine player
i. bax qavalçalan
i. the profession of tambourine player
i. bax qavalçı
fi. psix. bax qavrayış
f. to perceive (d.), to comprehend (d.)
fi. 1. mastering, learning; 2. comprehensibility
f. bax qavranmaq
f. to be* perceived / comprehended
i. psix. perception, perceptivity
s. intelligent, receptive, quick on the uptake; ~ uşaq intelligent child*