f. to ask / to cause smb. to shroud (d.)
i. shrouded; clothed / wrapped in a shroud
i. linen / cloth for shroud / cerement( s)
s. shroudless, (i.s.) without a shroud, cerementless
i. 1. scummer, skimmer; 2. (saatda) pendulum
s. scummy
i. bay (horse); O, öz kəhərini minmişdi He was riding on his bay
i. 1. astr. (süd yolu) Milky Way; (qalaktika) Galaxy; 2. (ulduzlar aləmi) myriad of stars
i. amber
i. underground water-supply / -pipe
I. i. stutterer, stammerer II. s. stuttering, stammering
f. to stutter, to stammer
fi. ruffling, blustering, swaggering; mounting / riding the high horse idiom
f. to ruffle, to bluster (at); to swagger; to mount / to ride* the high horse idiom
i. stutter, stammer
i. forelock, topknot, tuft (of hair), (quşda) crest, cop, copple-crown
s. (i.s.) with / (i.s.) having a forelock, with / having a topknot; (heyvan haq.) tufted, crested, copple-crowned; ~ ördək a tufted duck; ~ toyuq a co
i. zool. (çil) partridge; (ağ) willow grouse, ptarmigan
i. bot. thyme
i. bax kəklikotu
s. bax kəkə
i. zool. (male) buffalo
i. silk kerchief, silk covering for head, silky head-dress / headgear
s. (i.s.) wearing a silk kerchief / silky head-dress
i. 1. (söz) word; (həkimanə ifadə) saying, aphorism; dictum, apophthegm, byword; 2. (söhbət) (speech-) talk; ◊ əvvəl təam, sonra kəlam at
i. pincers, nippers, tongs, ~ ilə çəkmək məc. ≅ to haul (d. away)
i. buffalo calf, young of buffalo
i. zool. bull; ~yə gəlmə rut, estrus, being on / in heat (of animals); ~yə gəlmək to rut; ◊ ~ kimi (olmaq) ~ (to be*) as strong as a horse, (to be*) a
s. rough, rugged, bumpy, uneven; ~ yol bumpy / rough road; ~ dəri rough skin; ~ səth rough surface; sifət a rugged face
f. to roughen (d.), to make* rough / bumpy (d.)
f. to roughen, to become* rough / bumpy
i. roughness, ruggedness, bumpiness
i. skein, hank; ◊ ~ ini dolaşdırmaq ≅ to spoil / to ruin smb’s game
i. tex. reel
i. 1. skein, hank, 2. tex. bobbin, reel, spool
i. 1. (hiylə, fənd) trick, trickery, art, artifice; shuffle, craft, dodge, wile; şeytanın kələyi the wiles of the devil; Okələyin daha baş tutmaz / ke
i. d.d. hanky-panky, ruse
I. i. trickster, a crafty person; (bic) a sly / an arch / a cunning person; (fırıldaqçı) a fraud, a cheat, a cheater, a swindler, a crook, a sharper;
i. artfulness, craftiness, fraudfulness; (fəndgirlik) dodgery; (fırıldaqçılıq) knavery, roguery; roguishness
s. by trick, craftily; by fraud, fraudfully
f. (aldatmaq) to cheat (d.), to defraud (d.), to swindle (d.)
I. s. trickless, craftless, artless; (fırıldaqsız) fraudless, ruseless, cheatless; (sadədil adam haq
I. i. cabbage; baş ~ heads of cabbage.; duzlu / turşuya qoyulmuş ~ sauerkraut; gül ~ cauliflower II. s
i. cabbage dolma (minced meat with rice wrapped in cabbage leaves)
i. zool. cabbage butterfly
i. zool. cabbage-worm
i. cabbage field
i. zool. pangolin
I. i. 1. anat. skull, cranium (pl. crania); 2. məc. d.d. (baş, beyin) pate, poll, zaraf. pan d.d.; ◊ ~ işlətmək to use one’s loaf, to use one’s brains
i. 1. tex. swivel (on the top of a derrick) 2. d.d. head, top; Qızdırma qalxıb kəlləçarxa The fever has come / drawn to a head; ~a vurmaq to overdo* i