i. the job of a herdsman / amer. a cow-boy; ~ etmək to be* a herdsman* / amer. a cow-boy
i. pattern, design, tracery; ornament; decorative pattern / design; embroidery; ~ açmaq to pattern (on, upon), to make* a pattern (on, upon); (ağacda,
s. bax naxışlı
i. designer, (daşda, ağacda və s.) carver
i. bax naxışaçan
i. the profession of a designer / a carver
f. to pattern (d.); to decorate (d.); (daşı, ağacı və s.) to carve (d.)
f. to be* patterned / to decorated; (daş, ağac) to be* carved
f. bax naxışlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to pattern (d.); (daşı, ağacı və s.) to ask / to cause s.o. to carve (d.)
s. patterned, figured; (daş, ağac və s.) carved; embroidered, decorated with designs
s. (i.s.) without designs / patterns; (daş, ağac və s.) (i.s.) without carving
I. i. a sick person II. s. sick, ill; ~ kişi a sickman*; ~ qadın a sickwoman*; ~ uşaq a sickchild*; ~ olmaq to be* ill
f. to get* ill, to be* ill, to fall* ill
f. bax naxoşlatmaq
f. to cause s.o. to get / to be / to fall ill
i. sickness; illness
nail: ~ olmaq to achieve (d.), to attain (d.), to strive (for+to inf.) (d.); to try / to strive to get (d
i. achievement; attainment; elmi və texniki ~ scientific and technical achievement; elmi və texniki ~lər achievements of science and engineering; yüks
s. bax insafsız
i. bax insafsızlıq
I. s. unfortunate, ill-fated, luckless; ~ qız a luckless / ill-fated girl II. z. ~ ölmək to die untimely
I. i. a dishonest person, a man of mean birth II. s. mean; ungenerous; unkind, despicable
i. the quality of being mean / unkind / despicable
i. a man* of mean birth, a dishonest person
i. dishonesty, the quality of being disloyal / unfaithful
s. 1. unworthy (of), worthless, mean; ~ hərəkət mean action; 2. incapable (of), dull, slow, clumsy, unskilful; 3
I. s. unexpected, sudden; surprise; ~ hücum surprise attack; ~ zərbə surprise blow; ~ xəstəlik a sudden illness; ~ xəbər unexpected news II
i. Nagan revolver
i. fiz. conductor
s. defective, imperfect; ~ fellər qram. defective verbs; ~ olmaq to have* some defects, to be* imperfect; ~ şer imperfect verse
i. defectiveness, imperfection; naqisliyi aşkar etmək to reveal imperfection
i. zool. bax naqqabalıq
i. zool. sheat-fish
I. i. talker, chatterer, gas-bag, windbag; chatter-box II. s. garrulous, talkative; (sirr saxlaya bilməyən) indiscreet; d
i. talking-shop
f. to twaddle, to prate, to prate (about)
i. garrulousness, prate, idle talk, twaddle; talkativeness; ~ etmək bax naqqallamaq
i. painter, artist
i. painting
i. painting, the profession of a painter / an artist
i. 1. horseshoe; ~ vurmaq bax nallamaq; dörd ~a çapmaq to gallop at full speed; 2. (ayaqqabıda) iron tip, heel on a boot; ◊ gah ~a gah mıxa vurmaq ≅ t
i. moaning, lamenting; ~ salmaq to moan, to lament
I. s. unworthy; unsuitable; improper, unbecoming, indecent ~ təklif an improper suggestion, indecent proposal; ~ adam unworthy person II
i. lewdness, indecency, impropriety
i. farrier, shoeing-smith, horse-doctor
i. the profession of a farrier; ~ etmək to work as a farrier, to be* a farrier
i. maon, groan; (loud) cry, wail; ~ etmək to wail (with); dərddən ~ etmək to wail with sorrow / grief
f. to shoe (d.); atı ~ to shoe a horse