f. to be* shoed / shod
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to shoe (d.), to have* (d.) shoed / shod
f. bax nallatdırmaq
s. shoed, shod; (i.s.) with / having shoes
s. (i.s.) without shoes, shoeless
i. stony / rocky road
s. horseshoe-shaped
i. ritual worship; prayer; ~ qılmaq to perform the ritual prays of Islam
s. famous, popular, celebrated
s. unkind; cruel, impolite
i. letter, love-letter; ~ yazmaq to write* a letter / a love-letter
I. i. stranger II. s. strange; alien; ~ adam a stranger; ~ əllər strange hands
i. strangeness
s. unknown; unfamiliar; mysterious; ~ rəssam unknown painter; ~ ada unknown island; ~ adam an unknown man* / person; ~ şeylər unknown things; ~ sifət
i. uncertainty; obscurity; indefiniteness
I. i. traitor; betrayer; a man* of mean birth; (qadın) traitress II. s. mean, treacherous; base, insidious; low perfidious; ~ hərəkət mean / low trick
z. bax namərdliklə
i. insidiousness, perfidy, perfidiousness, treachery, disloyalty; ~ etmək to act / to behave meanly / perfidiously
z. meanly, treacherously, disloyally, perfidiously
i. candidate; applicant; deputatlığa ~ candidate, nominee; ~ irəli sürmək to put* forward a candidate, to propose a candidate; elmlər ~i candidate of
i. candidature; candidacy; amer. nomination; bir kəsin namizədliyini irəli sürmək to nominate smb. for election, to put* forward smb
s. not durable / solid; flimsy; ~ bina flimsy-constructed building, jerrybuilt house
i. lack of strength / solidity
i. honour, good name; rectitude, honesty; ~una toxunmaq / sataşmaq 1) to affect one’s honour, to hurt* one’s pride; to dishonour (d
i. bax namus
z. honestly; fairly; honourably; ~ cavab vermək to answer honestly
s. honourable, honest, upright, honest-minded; ~ adam honourable man, honest person / man*, ~ adamlar honestminded people; ~ qadın an honest woman; ~
i. honesty, uprightness, honourableness
s. honourless; (i.s.) without honour, dishonest, dishonourable; ~ adam honourless man* / person; ~ qadın dishonest woman*
z. bax namussuzcasına
z. disgracefully, dishonestly
i. dishonourableness; disgrace, dishonour, dishonesty; Mən namussuzluğu bağışlaya bilmərəm I can’t forgive dishonesty
s. bax qeyri-müəyyən I
i. bax qeyri-müəyyənlik
s. bax qeyri-mümkün
i. bax qeyri-mümkünlük
s. not corresponding (with), incongruous (with); not suitable, not fit
i. discrepancy, disparity, lack of correspondence, incongruousness
s. bax sonsuz
i. bax sonsuzluq
s. not corresponding (with), incongruous (with)
i. bax çörək I
I. i. Nanaian II. s. Nanaian; ~ dili Nanaian, the Nanaian language
z.: ~ danışmaq to speak* Nanaian / the Nanaian language
i. bot. mint
I. i. an ignoble / dishonourable man* II. s. dishonourable, ignoble, base, ignominious; ~ iş dishonourable / ignoble deed; ~ davranış ignominious beha
z. ignobly, ignominiously, dishonourably
i. ignominy, dishonesty, meanness