əv. from him / her; ~ ötrü for him / her; Mən ondan məktub almışam I have got / received a letter from him (her)
s. 1. ten days pl.; period of ten days; 2. ten-day-old; ~ çağa a ten-day-old suckling
I. i. decade; ten years pl. II. s. 1. (müddət bildirərkən) (i.s.) of ten years; ten-year; ~ məktəb ten-year / secondary school; elm
i. oncology
s. oncologic; cancer
i. oncologist, cancer specialist
s. tenfold
i. ten-copeck bit, ten-copeck piece
I. əv. (person. pron.) they; ~a (to) them; ~dan from them; ~ haqqında / barəsində of them, about them II
s. (i.s.) tens of; ~ fəhlə tens of workers
əv. that / which they have / possess; ~ lüğət the dictionary (that) they have
əv. theirs; Onlarınki çantadadır Theirs are in the bag
I. i. 1. (rəqəm) ten; 2. (qumar kağızında) ten; 3. (pul) ten-manat note II. s. decimal; ~ kəsir decimal (fraction)
i. ten-manat note
s. ten-storey(ed); ~ bina a tenstorey (ed) building
s. bax onmərtəbə
s. ten-figure
z. without him / her / it; in his / her absence; Mən onsuz gedə bilmərəm I can’t go without him / her
i. fifty copecks pl., a fifty-copeck piece
sy. tenth; ~ səhifə page 10, the tenth page
əv. his, hers; Onunku hazırdır His / Hers is ready
z. with him / her / it; Mən onunla parka getdim I went to the park with him / her
i. anat. spine, backbone; vertebra / spinal column
s. vertebral, vertebrate; ~ heyvan vertebrate (animal)
s. invertebrate; ~ heyvan invertebrate animal
s. ten-year, (i.s.) of ten-years
I. i. opera II. s. opera; operatic; ~ teatrı opera-house; ~ müğənnisi opera singer; ~ sənəti operatic art
i. (müxt. mənalarda) operation; ~ olunmaq to be* operated on, to undergo* an operation, to go* through an operation, to have* an operation
s. operative; ~ şöbə operative section; ~ rəhbərlik effective guidance
i. operativeness
i. operetta, musical comedy
i. opponent; critic; ~ olmaq to act as opponent (to), to oppose (d.); rəsmi ~ official opponent (at the defence of dissertation, etc
i. the act of being an opponent; ~ etmək to be* an opponent, to act as opponent (to), to oppose (d.)
I. i. opportunist II. s. opportunist
i. opportunism
I. i. optician II. s. opticial; ~ illüziya optical illusion
i. optics
s. optimum
I. i. optimist II. s. optimistic, optimistical, məsələlərə ~ münasibət an optimistic view of matters
z. optimistically; ~ danışmaq to speak* optimistically
i. optimistic, sanguine; ~ olmaq to be* optimistic
i. optimism
z. there; ~ bura here and there; nə ~ nə bura neither one way nor the other
z. hither and thither
z. there; yenə ~ (elmi tədqiqatda mənbə göstərərkən) ibid, ibidem
z. here and there; now here, now there
z. in the same place, just in the same place
z. from there
s. sickle-shaped
i. sickle, reaping-hook; ~ və çəkic hammer and sickle