f. to be* made mathematical
f. to make* mathematical
i. mathematical character
I. i. mathematics; ali ~ higher mathematics; tətbiqi ~ applied mathematics II. s. mathematics; ~ fakültəsi the faculty of mathematics
i. mathematician
i. bax riyaziyyatşünaslıq
i. bax riyaziyyatçı
i. the science learning mathematics
i. bax iz
s. small, small pieces
s. (i.s.) with small particles / pieces
i. role; (teatrda) part; sözsüz ~ walkingon part; ~ oynamaq to play / to act; baş ~u oynamaq 1) to play the leading part; Hamlet ~unu oynamaq (Hamlet
i. tex. roller
i. rum
Roma s. Roma papası the Pope; ~ hüququ Roman law
I. i. 1. novel; qəhrəmanlıq ~ı romance; məişət ~ı novel of everyday life; 2. (sevgi macərası) love affairs; (sevgi əhvalatı) romance II
i. the profession of a novelist
i. (filoloq.) 1. Romanist, specialist in Romance philology, Romance philologist, 2. (roman yazan) novelist
i. Romance philology
i. mus. romance
I. i. romantic, romanticist II. s. romantic; ~ gənclik romantic youth; ~ qız / oğlan romantic girl / boy
i. romance, romanticism
f. to describe smth. / smb. in romantic manner
f. to get* / to become* romantic
i. romanticism, romantic quality
i. romanticism
I. i. rhomb(us) (pl.-bes), diamond II. s. rhombic; ~ şəkilli diamond-shaped
s. diamond-shaped
i. the state or quality of being diamond-shaped
s. riyaz. rhomboidal
i. the state or quality of being rhomboidal
i. aşp. roast beef
i. hərb. company; rabitə ~sı signal company, (amer.) communications company; minomyot ~sı mortar company; minaaxtaran ~ field (engineer) company; atıc
i. poliqr. rotary press, rotary printing machine
i. 1. tex. rotator; 2. poliqr. rotary press, rotary printing machine
i. hərb. tar. captain (of cavalry)
i. tex. rotor
i. piano, grand piano; konsert ~ı concert grand; ~ çalmaq to play the piano; ~ arxasında at the piano
I. i. siya. royalist II. s. siya. royalist, royalistic
i. siya. royalism
i. 1. (bəzək) rosette; 2. el. ştepsel ~sı socket, wall outlet, wall plug; 3. (mürəbbə qabı) jam-dish
i. bot. rosemary (a kind of apple)
i. adornment, decoration, beauty; lustre, brilliancy; ~ vermək bax rövnəqləndirmək; ~dən düşmək to lose* beauty / brilliancy
f. to make* smb. / smth. beautiful / brilliant; to adorn (d.)
s. splendid, magnificent, beautiful, adorned
i. decoration, adornment, brilliance, brilliancy
s. light, brilliant, clean, bright
i. brightness, brilliance, brilliancy
i. din. elegy (a story about the death of Moslim apostles)
i. din. a man who reads elegy (a story about the death of Moslim apostles)