s. quarterly; ~ hesabat quarterly account
i. face, appearance
i. bax icazə
i. duty, customs pl., tax; dues pl.; gömrük (xana) ~u custom-house duty; liman ~u harbour dues; ~ qoymaq to impose tax (on); ödənilmiş ~ duty-paid; qa
s. (i.s.) with tax
i. shame, disgrace, infamy, dishonour; ~ etmək to disgrace (d.), to be* a disgrace (to), to bring* dishonour (on); (sözlə) to defame (d
s. ignominous, shameful, disreputable; ~ məğlubiyyət ignominous defeat
i. infamy; (eyib) shame, scandal, disgrace
z. ignominously, shamefully, disgracefully
s. disgraceful, shameful, ignominous
i. bax rüsvayçılıq
I. i. embryo, germ; zool. foetus; ~in inkişafı embryonic growth; bir şeyi ~də məhv etmək to nip smth
s. embryonic
i. the state or quality of having embryo / germ
s. bot. (i.s.) without embryo / germ, (i.s.) having no embryo / germ
i. the state of being without embryo
i. bribe, (amer.) graft, palm-oil; (bir kəsin ağzını yummaq üçün verilən) hushmoney; bir kəsə ~ vermək to bribe smb
i. bax rüşvətxor
i. bax rüşvətxorluq
i. bribe-taker, amer. grafter
i. bribery, bribe-taking
i. briber
i. rank, title, name, grade; fəxri ~ honorarytitle; hərbi ~ military rank; elmi ~ academic rank; ~si olmaq to have* a rank / title; ~sini artırmaq to
s. 1. (i.s.) having a title / rank; 2. honorable
s. (i.s.) without a rank / title
i. 1. dampness, humidity, moisture; 2. wetness
f. to become* / to get* humid
s. damp, moist, humid; ~ iqlim damp climate; ~ hava moist / humid air; ~ külək wet wind; ~ olmaq to be* humid
i. humidity, moisture, dampness
s. dry; (i.s.) having no damp / moisture
i. the state or quality of being dry / having no damp
S, s the 25th letter of the Azerbaijani alphabet
I. i. (əşya-stol, yaxud divar saatı) clock; (cib, yaxud qol saatı) watch; qol ~ı wrist-watch; zəngli ~ alarm clock; danışan ~ talking clock; qum ~ı sa
z. hourly, every hour, every moment
i. watch-case
i.: bir ~ hour-long; iki ~ iş work for two hours, two-hour work
i. watch-maker
i. profession of a watch-maker; ~ etmək to work as a watch-maker; to be* a watch-maker
i. 1. tomorrow; morrow; ~a qoymaq to put* off till tomorrow; 2. morning; Sabahınız xeyir olsun! Good morning! Bu günün işini sabaha qoyma at
z. in the nearest future
z. early in the morning, very early
z. the next day, the following day
z. bax sabahı
z. tomorrow’s; ~ qəzet tomorrow’s newspaper; ~ gün d.d. in the future, in some days
s. bax sabahlıq
s. for tomorrow; Mənim ancaq sabahlıq işim var I have work for tomorrow only
s. former; ex-; ~ müdir former manager; ~ prezident ex-president
I. s. constant; invariable; permanent; regular; ~ ünvan permanent address; ~ vahid riyaz. constant; ~ ordu regular army; ~ sakin permanent resident; ~
i. stabilizer, stabiliser (of person or thing)