s. 1. (müddət) eight months; eight-month; 2. (yaş) (i.s.) of eight; eightmonth-old; ~ uşaq a child of eight (months), eight-month-old child
i. riyaz. octagon
s. octagonal
s. only / just eight
i. edition in eight volumes, eight-volume edition
s. 1. (müddət) (i.s.) of eight days; eight-day; 2. (yaş) (i.s.) of eight (days), eight-day old
s. octosyllabic; octosyllable
s. 1. (müddət) (i.s.) of eight days; eight-day; 2. (yaş) (i.s.) of eight; eight-day old; ~ məktəb eight-year school
sy. eighth; ~ səhifə page eight
s. eightfold; octuple
i. 1. (rəqəm) an eight; 2. (qumarda) the eight (of); ~ ürək (qumarda) the eight of hearts
s. bax səkkizmərtəbəli
s. eight-storeyed; ~ bina an eight-storeyed building
s. eight-seater
s. eight-digit; eight-figure
s. eight-hour; ~ iş günü eighthour working-day
I. i. octohedron II. s. octohedral
s. eight-year old
f. 1. to mince; 2. to perch (of birds)
i. watchfulness; anxiety; uneasiness
s. uneasy, anxious, disturbed; ~ yatmaq to sleep* anxiously
i. bax səksəkə
s. bax səkəsəkəli
sy. eighty; ~ bir, iki və s. eighty-one, eighty-two, etc.; ~ birinci, ikinci və s. eighty-first, eighty-second, etc
s. only / just eighty
f. to cause smb. to start / to flinch
s. eighty-year; (i.s.) of eighty years
sy. eightieth; ~ səhifə page eighty; ~ nömrə number eighty; ~ illər (the) eighties
f. to start; (ağrıdan, zərbədən) to flinch, to wince; to jump; Əli soyuq cismə dəyəndə o, səksəndi He / She winced as he / she touched the cold body
s. eighty-year-old; (i.s.) of eighty
i. 1. authority, power, plenary powers pl. hüq. proxy; geniş ~ wide powers pl.; ~i olmaq to have* authority; ~dən kənara çıxmaq to exceed one’s commis
s. 1. plenipotentiary; ~ səfir Ambassador Plenipotentiary; ~ nümayəndə plenipotentiary; 2. competent; ~ olmaq to be* competent
i. plenipotentiary; competence, competency
s. hüq. not enjoying all civil rights, underprivileged, not possessing / enjoying full rights
i. the state of being underprivileged, the state of not possessing full rights
i. usury
I. i. usurer II. s. usurious
i. usuriousness
i. usurer (one who lends money for profit eagerly)
i. the practice of lending money to be paid back at a high rate interest
I. i. cross II. s.: ~ yürüşü crusade
i. crusader
i. accuracy; neatness, tidiness; order; ~yə salmaq to put* in order (d.); özünü ~yə salmaq to tidy oneself up, to set* oneself to rights; öz evini ~yə
i. order; ~ yaratmaq to put* in order; ~da saxlamaq to keep* in order
s. bax səliqəli I
I. s. orderly, neat, tidy; ~ adam orderly person; ~ əlyazması neat handwriting; ~ otaq a tidy room O, otağını səliqəli saxlayır He / She keeps his / h
z. very neatly / tidily
i. neatness, tidiness; accuracy
s. (geyimdə) untidy; inaccurate; slovenly; careless; ~ görkəm slovenly appearance
z. carelessly; inaccurately