f. to throw* about (d.), to scatter about (d.), to strew* about (d.); pulunu ~ to scatter one’s money
f. to be* thrown about / scattered about
f. to ask / to force smb. to throw about (d.) / to scatter about (d.)
f. bax səpələtdirmək
f. to be* scattered / sown (sowed) / strewn
I. i. sowing; crops pl.; Səpin cücərir Crops are coming up; genişcərgəli ~ sowing in broad drills II
I. i. sower II. s.: ~ maşın seedingmachine; sowing-machine; (cərgəli) seed drill; drill seeder
i. the eve of sowing, before sowing
i. rash, pimple, blotch; ~ tökmək bax səpmək (3-cü mənada)
f. to come* out in a rash; to become* blotchy / pimply, to be* covered with a rash
I. i. bax üslub I II. i. bax səpişik
I. s. blotchy, pimply; ~ dəri a blotchy / pimply skin II. s. styled; (i.s.) of the style
f. 1. (toxum) to sow* (d.); 2. (maye) to splash (d.on); su ~ to spalsh water (on); 3. (dəri) to break* out, to come* out in a rash; Onun üzü səpib A r
z. 1. continually, constantly, always; ~ danışmaq to speak* continually / constantly; 2. nothing but
z. bax sərasər
I. s. free; free and easy, self-dependent; unrestricted; ~ ticarət free trade; ~ satış unrestricted sale; ~ tərcümə free translation;~ zərbə id
z. just freely / easily
z. bax sərbəst II
f. to be* made easy / free, to loose free, to be* let loose
f. to ease (d.); to loose (d.); to loosen up (d.)
f. to become* loose / free; to become* unrestricted
i. freedom, liberty; independence; özünə ~ vermək to let* oneself go
i. zool. sparrow; bir dəstə / sürü ~ a flock of sparrows
i. tomb; vault
i. arx. vicegerent; chief; viceroy
i. arx. 1. vicegerency; 2. region ruled by vicegerent / viceroy
f. 1. to ask / to force smb. to spread out (d.); 2. to ask / to force smb. to hang out; paltarı ~ to ask smb
s. proud, haughty; glad; ~ etmək to gladden (d.), to make* proud / haughty / glad (d.)
i. order; direction; disposal; command; bir kəsin ~ında olmaq to be* at smb.’s command / disposal; bir kəsin ~ına vermək to put* at smb
i. manager, superintendent
i. 1. expense, expenditure; ~ etmək to spend* (d.), to expend (d.); (boş yerə) to waste (d.); pul ~ etmək to spend* money; 2
i. taking no heed (of), paying no attention (to); ~ etmək to take* no heed (of), to pay* no attention (to), not to take* into account
i. advantage; benefit; gain, profit
s. useful, helpful, profitable, advantageous, good for; ~ təngid helpful / useful criticism; ~ məsləhət advantageous / profitable advice
i. helpfulness, profitableness, profitability
s. useless, unprofitable, disadvantageous
i. uselessness, disadvantageousness, unprofitableness
I. i. idler; roamer; wanderer II. s. wandering, roaming; idle III. z.: ~ gəzmək to wander, to roam; to idle
I. i. exhibition, show, amer. exposition; kənd təsərrüfat ~si agricultural exhibition; çiçək ~si flower-show; at / it ~si horse / dog show; ~yə getmək
I. i. adventure; ~ axtaran (kişi) adventurer, (qadın) adventuress; ~ sevən adventurous II. s. adventure; ~ romanı adventure novel, novel of adventure
I. i. 1. boundary, border; borderline; (dövlət sərhədi) frontier, borderline; 2. (hədd) limit; ~i aşmaq to overstep the limits, to pass bounds; ~ çəkm
i. frontier-guard, border-guard; ~ olmaq to be* / to become* a frontierguard / border-guard
i. the state of being a borderguard / frontier guard
I. i. drunkard, tippler, drunk man* II. s. drunk, tipsy; light-headed; intoxicated; heady; ~ olmaq to drink* hard, to drink* like a fish; to be* drunk
z. light-headedly, like a drunkard
s. intoxicating, heady (with); ~ pivə / şərab və s. heady ale / wine, etc.; ~ yaz havası the heady air of spring
f. to become* light-headed / tipsy; to be* drunkard
i. drunkenness, hard drinking; light-headedness; ~ etmək to be* used to drink alcoholic drinks, to drink hard / deep
f. 1. to be* spread (out); 2. to be* hanged; 3. (yayxanıb oturmaq) to sprawl, to lounge
I. i. the cool, coolness; axşamın ~i evening cool, the cool of the evening; axşamın ~ində in the cool of the evening II