i. compassion, sympathy, pity, tender emotion; ~ə gəlmək to be* touched / moved
z. affectingly, pathetically, touchingly
f. to make* smb. be touched / moved
f. to be* touched / moved
s. affecting, pathetic, touching
i. id. ring
i. 1. letter; 2. booklet
i. risk, venture; ~ etmək to risk, to run* / to take* the risk of, to venture; həyatı ilə ~ etmək to venture, to risk one’s life; ~ə getmək to run* ri
s. risky, riskful; a risky undertaking; venturous; ~ iş a risky job
i. riskiness, venturousness
i. root; ~ atmaq to take* root; ~sini kəsmək to pull / to dig* up by the roots; baltanı ~dən vurmaq to lay* axe to root
f. to take* root, to strike* root
s. rooted, (i.s.) having a root, (i.s.) with roots
i. the state or quality of being rooted
s. (i.s.) having no roots; (i.s.) without roots, rootless
i. the state or quality of having no roots
i. mockery, derision, irony, scoff; ~ etmək to mock, to scoff (at), to mock (at), to make* fun (of),to hold up to ridicule
i. scoffer, mocker
s. mocking, derisive; ~ sözlər mocking words
I. i. rhythm II. s. rhythm; ~ duyğusu sense of rhythm
I. s. rhythmic(al); ~ iş smooth functioning, rhythmical work; çap makinasının ~ səsi rhythmical noise of a typewriter; ürəyin ~ döyünməsi the rhythmic
i. 1. (ritmin sistem və xasiyyəti) rhythmics, rhythmical pattern; 2. (ritm haqqında elm) rhythmics, theory of rhythm
s. rhythmical; ~ hərəkət rhythmical movement
i. rhythm; işdə ritmliliyə nail olmaq to achieve a rhythmical pace of work, to ensure a steady rhythm of work
s. (i.s.) having no rhythm, (i.s.) without rhythm
i. the state or quality of being without rhythm
s. rhetorical; ~ sual rhetorical question
i. rhetoric
i. hypocrisy, dissimulation
I. i. hypocrite, dissembler, doubledealer, dishonest person II. s. double-faced, hypocritical, dishonest; ~ təbəssüm hypocritical smile
z. hypocritically, dishonestly
i. hypocrisy, dissimulation; ~ etmək to be* a double dealer, to play the hypocrite
z. bax riyakarcasına
I. s. frank, open-hearted II. z. frankly, open-heartedly
i. candour, frankness, open-heartedness
s. mathematical; ~ analiz mathematical analysis; ~ məntiq mathematical logic; ~ dilçilik mathematical linguistics
f. to be* made mathematical
f. to make* mathematical
i. mathematical character
I. i. mathematics; ali ~ higher mathematics; tətbiqi ~ applied mathematics II. s. mathematics; ~ fakültəsi the faculty of mathematics
i. mathematician
i. bax riyaziyyatşünaslıq
i. bax riyaziyyatçı
i. the science learning mathematics
i. bax iz
s. small, small pieces
s. (i.s.) with small particles / pieces
i. role; (teatrda) part; sözsüz ~ walkingon part; ~ oynamaq to play / to act; baş ~u oynamaq 1) to play the leading part; Hamlet ~unu oynamaq (Hamlet
i. tex. roller
i. rum