f. to twinkle, to shimmer, to glimmer, to flicker; Şəhərin işıqları səyrişirdi The lights of the town were twinkling
s. not persevering, not zealous / diligent
i. hunter; trapper
i. traveller; wanderer
i. the act of travelling / wandering; ~ etmək to be* a traveller / wanderer; to go* travelling / wandering
s. mobile; travelling; itinerant; ~ kitabxana travelling / mobile library; ~ teatr mobile theatre; ~ musiqiçi itinerant musician
I. i. planet; böyük ~lər major planets; kiçik ~ lər minor planets II. s. planetary, planet; ~ sistemi planet system; ~ hərəkəti planetary movement
i. sphere; təsir ~sı sphere of influence
s. spherical; ~ həndəsə spherics pl.; spherical geometry
i. sphinx
i. scheme; diagram; təşkilat ~i organization chart; radioqəbuledicinin ~i receiver circuit / diagram; pyesin ~i outline of a play
s. schematic, outlined
i. sketchy character
s. scholastic
i. scholasticism
i. bax isti
f. 1. to jump out, to leap* out; to spring* out, to dart out; 2. (maye) to splash, to sprinkle; (palçıq) to spatter
f. 1. to cause smb. to jump out; 2. to splash (d.on); to sprinkle (d.with), (palçıq) to spatter; Maşın üstümə palçıq sıçratdı The car spatted my cloth
i. jump, bound, leap; keyfiyyət ~ı fəls. qualitative leap; tez ~ etmək to make* a rapid leap; paraşüt ~ı parachute jump
I. i. zero; cipher; (oyunun hesabı) nil; (tel. nömrəsi) o; ~a endirmək to bring* to nothing (d.), to reduce to zero (d
i. the act of smoothing / sleeking; ~ çəkmək bax sığallamaq
f. to smooth (d.); (saçı) to sleek (d.); saçını ~ to sleek down one’s hair
f. to smooth one’s face / hair, to sleek one’s hair / face
f. to smooth / to sleek each other / one another
f. to ask / to cause smb. to smooth (d.) to ask / to force smb. to sleek (d.)
s. smooth, sleek; ironed; ~ kağız smooth paper; ~ saç smooth hair
f. to place (d.); to make* (d.) go in; to find* room; Mən şeylərin hamısını qutuya sığdıra bilmədim I couldn’t find room for all the things in the box
I. i. zool. elk II. s. elk’s; ~ dərisi elk’s skin; ~ əti elk’s flesh
i. 1. refuge, asylum, shelter; sanctuary; ~ axtarmaq to seek* refuge / asylum; ~ vermək to grant* asylum; ~ tapmaq to take* refuge (in); gizli ~ place
i. bax sığınacaq
f. to shelter (d.), to give* refuge / shelter (to)
f. to take* shelter, to find* shelter
i. cattle, (horned) cattle
i. cow-boy, herdsman*; ~ olmaq to be* a cow-boy / a herdsman*
i. the state of being a cow-boy / herdsman; ~ etmək to be* a cow-boy / herdsman*
i. zool. starling
f. to be* placed; to be* made to go in
f. bax sığdırmaq
f. bax sığmaq
f. to find* / to have* room, to go* in; Bütün şeylər sandığa sığdı There was room for all things in the trunk
s.: bir yerə ~ incompatible; bir yerə ~ fikirlər incompatible ideas
i. incompatibility
I. i. insurance; ictimai ~ social insurance; bədbəxt hadisələrə qarşı ~ insurance against accidents; yanğına qarşı ~ fire-insurance; ev avadanlığının
i. insurer
I. s. close; compact; thick; dense; ~ meşə thick / dense wood / forest; ~ daraq (fine) tooth-comb; ~ ot thick grass; ~ əhali dense population; ~ qaş t
z. very / too close, very near; compactly
i. tex. clam, clutch
z. bax sıx-sıx
f. 1. to crush (d.); to press (d.); 2. to put* smb. under a hard condition, to drive* smb. into a corner
f. 1. to be* crushed / pressed; 2. to be* put under a hard condition, to be* driven into a corner