i. mysteriousness
i. mystery, enigma, secret; ~ açmaq to reveal / to betray / to let* out a secret; ~ saxlamaq to keep* a secret; ~ vermək to let* smb
s. (i.s.) without mystery / secret, (i.s.) having no secret / mystery
i. the state of having no secret / mystery
i. bax çən
s. bax çənli
i. system; seçki ~i electoral sytem; əsəb ~i nervous system; günəş ~i solar sytem; ~ə düşmək d.d. to become* a rule; ~ə salmaq to systematize (d
s. systematic; ~ səhv systematic error
i. systematic character, the state of being systematic
f. to be* systematized
f. to systematize (d.)
f. to become* systematized
s. systematic, (i.s.) having a system; ~ təhlil a systematic analysis
i. systematic character
s. unsystematic; unmethodical
i. unsystematic / unmethodical character, lack of system / method
i. cistern; tank; (su üçün) water-cart
s. stubborn, impudent, importunate; troublesome; ~ adam importunate person / man*; ~ uşaq a stubborn child*
i. importunity, impudence, stubbornness
i. quotation, citation; ~ gətirmək to cite, to quote
i. one who likes to cite / to quote
i. the character of often using quotations
i. worship, adoration; ~ etmək to idolize (d.), to worship (d.); ~ə layiq adorable; günəşə ~ etmək to idolize / to worship the sun
i. place of worship
i. bax əzab
I. i. oppressor; despot, tyrant; ~ olmaq to be* a despot / oppressor / tyrant II. s. tyranical; cruel; despotic; ~ adam a cruel / despotic man*
i. despotism, tyrany
s. bax sitəmkar II
fi. shiver, feeling of shivering
f. to shiver; to tremble; soyuqan ~ to shiver with cold
f. to cause s.o. to shiver (d.)
I. i. citrus II. s. citrus; ~ bitkiləri citrus plants; ~ meyvələri citrus fruits
i. situation; çətin ~ difficult situation
s. civilized; ~ ölkə civilized country
f. (xəlvəti getmək) to steal* away / out; d.d. to sneak out; otaqdan ~ to sneak out of the room
s. sharp, pointed
s. bax sivriburunlu
s. (i.s.) with sharp-nose, (i.s.) having sharp-nose; sharp-nosed
f. bax sivriləşmək
f. to become* sharp / pointed
s. bax qara II
i. 1. list; ~ tutmaq to make* out a list; seçicilərin ~sı voters’ list, register of voters; ~ya düşmək to be* on the list; ~ya salmaq / almaq to enter
i. census; əhalinin ~sı census of the population
i. politics pl.; daxili ~ home / internal policy; xarici ~ foreign policy; sülh ~i peace policy; qarşımamazlıq ~i policy of non-intervention; ~ haqqın
i. politician; intriguer
i. intrigue; ~ etmək to be* an intriguer
z. politically, according to policy, on policy
s. crafty, artful, resourceful; cunning
i. bax 1. siyasətbaz; 2. political figure
i. the quality of being a politician