z. bax təkbir
s. fəls. monotheistic
i. monotheism
i. sweat-cloth
I. i. evolution II. s. evolutional, evolutionary; ~ nəzəriyyəsi theory of evolution, doctrine of development; ~ etmək to evolve
i. evolutionist
i. evolutionism
i. push; (qatar) jolt, bump, jerk; (zəlzələdə) shock, (earth) tremour; məc. incitement, stimulus (pl
s. one-horse
s. one-oared
s. one-legged
i. (əlçək) mitten
z. independently, without assistance, on one’s own; ~ işləmək to work without assistance, to work on one’s own
z. (mübarizədə) face to face (with); (söhbətdə) privately, in private; ~ mübarizə aparmaq to fight* face to face
z. sometimes; seldom, at times, from time to time; now and then
I. s. only, sole II. z. only; solely, merely, just; O təkcə bilmək istəyir He / She only / merely / just wants to know
z. bax tək-tək
s. bot. unisexual
i. bot. the state of being unisexual
s. bax təkbir
s. zool. solidungulate, solidhoofed, soliped
i. he-goat, billy goat (older than two years)
i. haughtiness, loftiness, arrogance, superciliousness; ~ satmaq bax təkəbbürlənmək
z. haughtily, superciliously
f. to swagger, to boast
I. s. haughty, arrogant, lofty, supercilious; overweening; d.d. high and mighty; ~ təbəssüm a lofty smile II
I. i. a large basin (made of copper) II. z. with one hand only, with the help of one hand
z. here and there, sometimes, from time to time, very seldom
i. wheel; ehtiyat ~ spare wheel; yağlanmış ~ oiled wheel ◊ taleyin ~i Fortune’s wheel, wheel of fortune
i. bax təkərək
i. wheel-wright
i. profession / job of a wheelwright
i. little wheel
s. wheeled
s. (i.s.) without a wheel, wheelless
s. wheel-shaped, wheellike
s. (i.s.) with / having long and thin beard (as of a billy-goat’s)
s. bax təkəsaqqal
z. bax təkbətək
s. one-eyed, single-eyed; elm. monocular
s. bax təkgöz
s. autocratic
i. autocracy, absolute rule
s. monosyllabic; ~ sözlər monosyllabic words
i. the quality of being monosyllabic
s. riyaz. simple
i. riyaz. the quality of being simple
s. biol. unicellular, single cell
i. the quality of being single-cell