s. 1. glued; pasted; 2. attractive, pleasant, pleasing; agreeable, inviting; ~ görkəm pleasing appearance; ~ adam pleasant / agreeable person
i. 1. the state of being glued; 2. attractiveness
s. unattractive, uninviting; ~ adam unattractive person
i. unattractiveness
i. glue; dülgər ~ı joiner’s glue; bir kəsə ~ kimi yapışmaq to stick* like glue to smb
f. to glue (d.); iki kağızı bir yerə ~ to glue two papers together
f. to be* glued; to glue; Ağac yaxşı yapışqanlanırWood glues well
s. glued; ~ kağız glued paper
f. to become* / to get* sticky
f. bax yapışqanlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to glue (d.)
s. sticky; ~ kağız (milçək qırmaq üçün) sticky paper, fly paper
i. stickiness
f. to stick* (to), to adhere (to); Zərf yapışmır The envelop won’t stick; Palçıq ayaqqabıma yapışdı Mud adhered to my shoes; televiziyaya ~ məc
f. 1. to do* (d.), to make*; to construct (d.), to arrange (d.), to set* (d.), to right; to make* (d
I. i. Japanese; ~lar the Japanese II. s. Japanese; ~ dili Japanese, the Japanese language
I. s. Japanese; ~ ingiliscə lüğət Japanese-English dictionary II. z. Japanese; ~ danışmaq to speak* Japanese; ~ yazmaq to write* in Japanese; ~dan tər
i. 1. friend; lover; amer. pal, buddy; ~ və əğyar friend and foe; 2. şair. darling, sweetheart, lady-love; vəfalı ~ devoted / faithful / true darling;
i. 1. wound; ağır / ciddi ~ serious wound; yüngül ~ slight wound; ayaqda ~ wound in the leg; təzə ~ green wound; məhəbbət ~sı lover’s wound; ~nı deşmə
top.i. sores; scabs; ulcers
i. 1. bax Allah; 2. creator; (nəzəriyyə, təlim) founder, originator; maker; tarixi ~lar makers of history; yeni həyat ~lar creators / makers of a new
I. i. bax Allah II. s. creative; ~ iş creative work; ~ qüvvə creative power; ~ əmək creative labour
I. i. activities; work, creative work, creation; ədəbi ~ literary activities; elmi ~ scientific work II
i. creation; creature
fi. creation, making; müstəqil parlamentin ~sı the creation of an independent parliament
f. 1. to be* created; to be* originated; to be* established; 2. to be erected / built
i. arms pl.; weapon(s); ~ gəzdirmək to carry arms
f. to be* armed
f. to arm (d. with)
f. to arm oneself (with); dişinə qədər ~ to be* armed to the teeth
s. armed; (i.s.) with arms, (i.s.) having arms
s. armed; ~ dəstə armed gang
s. armless, unarmed; (i.s.) without arms
s. the state of being unarmed / armless
f. 1. to injure (d.); (silahla) to wound (d.); bir şeylə qıçını ~ to injure one’s leg with smth.; Güllə onun qıçını yaraladı The shot wounded his / he
f. 1. to be* injured; (güllədən və s.) to be* wounded; qəzada ~ to be* injured in the accident; döyüşdə / vuruşda ~ to be* wounded in the battle; 2
f. bax yaralatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to injure (d.) / (silahla) to wound (d.)
I. i. injured man*; (silahla yaralanmış) wounded man*; ~lar the wounded; Yaralılar xəstəxanaya aparıldılar The injured people were taken to hospital,
s. (i.s.) covered all over with ulcer / sore
f. to be* fit (for), to serve (d.), to do* (for), to be* fitted / suited (for); to be* of use; to fit (d
I. i. scoundrel, good-for-nothing, villian, rogue; (qadın) mean woman*; (uşaq) naughty child; Yataqdan dur, ay yaramaz! Get out of bed, you good-forno
z. indecently; ~ hərəkət etmək to behave indecently
i. 1. unfitness; 2. worthlessness; naughtiness, bad behaviour
i. creation; origin
z. from the origin, from the very beginning of the world
fi. origin, beginnings pl.; emergence; sözün ~sı the origin of a word; kainatda həyatın ~sı beginnings of life on Earth; yeni şəhərin ~sı emergence of
f. 1. to arise*, to spring* up; to be* created; Kəskin vəziyyət yarandı A critical situation arose; Məndə şübhə yarandı A doubt arose in my mind; 2
f. to be* made useful / worth-while / good (for)
f. to make* useful (d.) / worth-while (d.), to make* fit (to, for) / suitable (for) / good* (for)