I. i. big-beard man* II. s. bigbeard, bearded; ~ kişi a big beard man*
s. bax yekəsaqqal II
s. (i.s.) having fatty and large cheeks
s. bax yekəyanaq
I. s. monotonous; ~ iş monotonous work; ~ səs a monotonous voice; ~ evlər monotonous houses II. z. monotonously; ~ danışmaq to speak* monotonously
i. monotony; bir şeyin yeknəsəkliyini pozmaq to break* the monotony of smth
s. one-colour (attr.); məc. monotonous; ~ parça one-colour fabric, plain fabric; ~ çap monochrome
i. the state of being one-colour / monotony
s. bax yekdil
i. bax yekdillik
s.: yerlə ~ etmək to destroy completely (d.), to raze to the ground (d.)
I. i. sum, total; result; ümumi ~ grand total, sum total; ~ vurmaq to sum up (d.), to total (d.).; ~ da in the end, as a result; Yekunda səhv meydana
f. to be* summed up, to be* summarized
f. to sum (d.) up, to summarize (d.); problemi ~ to sum up the problem
I. i. wind; güclü ~ strong wind; nəm ~ wet wind; zəif ~ light wind; Yel qalxıb The wind has risen; Yel kəsib The wind has dropped; ◊ Külək haradan əsi
I. i. lighthead, scatter brain, lightminded man* II. s. light-headed, scatter brained, light-minded; thoughtless, frivolous; ~ adam light-headed / tho
z. lightly, thoughtlessly, flippantly
i. light-mindedness,thoughtlessness, flippancy
i. draught
i. bax yelçəkən
i. windy place / spot
i. border
s. (i.s.) with border, (i.s.) having border
s. borderless (i.s.) without border
i. the state or quality of being borderless
i. udder
f. to fill with milk (of udder); İnək yelinləyir The cow’s udder is filling with milk
s. (i.s.) with big / large udder
s. (i.s.) with little / small udder, (i.s.) having little / small udder
i. the state of having small / little udder
i. sail; ~ qaldırmaq / açmaq to set* / to make* sail
i. (yelkəni idarə edən) sailor, one who conducts the sail
s. sailing; (i.s.) with sail, (i.s.) having sail; ~ qayıq sailing-boat; ~ gəmi sailing-ship, sailing vessel, sailer
i. the state of being sailless / without sail
i. sailmaker
f. to be* rocked / shaken / swung; (uşaq) to be* dandled
f. 1. to rock (d.), to shake* (d.), to swing* (d.); (uşaq) to dandle (d.); beşiyi ~ to rock the cradle; uşağı əlində ~ to rock / to dandle a child in
i. swing; ~ də oynamaq / yellənmək to play on the swing
f. 1. to rock, to swing*; Uşaqlar yellənirdilər The children were swinging; 2. to sway; (bayraq və s
f. bax yellətmək (2-ci və 3-cü mənalarda)
f. 1. bax yelləmək; 2. to ask / to cause smb. to swing (d.) / to shake (d.) / to rock (d.); 3. to ask / to cause smb
i. a large fan
i. fan; ~lə yelləmək (özünü) to fan oneself
f. to fan (d. with); özünü ~ to fan oneself
f. to be* fanned
f. bax yəlpiklətmək
f. to ask / to cause smb. to fan (d. with)
s. bax yelpikvarı
s. fan-shaped
s. windless; calm; ~ hava windless weather