I. i. lesson; ~ götürmək to study (for) a will; to do* a bit of studying; Qoy bu sizə ibrət olsun Let it be a lesson for you II
s. instructive, edifying; ~ kitab edifying book
f. to teach* (d.), to give* a lesson (to)
f. to learn* a lesson (from); to draw* a conclusion, to arrive at a conclusion
i. beginning, outset, start
z. at the (very) beginning
z. from the (very) outset, from (the) beginning, from the start
s. 1. primary, elementary; ~ məktəb primary / elementary school; ~ təhsil primary education; ~ bilik elementary knowledge; 2
s.: ~ quruluşu primitive communal system
i. primitiveness, primitive state (of things)
s. (i.s.) without beginning / outset
I. i. lease; ~ yə götürmək to lease (d.), to take* on lease (d.); to rent (d.); ~ yə vermək to lease (d
i. leaseholder, tenant, lessee
i. tenancy
i. bax icarəçi
i. bax icarəçilik
i. permission, permit; ~ vermək 1) to allow (d.+to inf.), to permit (i.+to inf.); to give* permission; bir kəsə getməyə ~ vermək to allow / to permit
s. (i.s.) with permission (of), permitted
z. without permission; ~ danışmaq to speak* without permission
I. i. compulsion, constraint II. s. dilç. causative; felin ~ növü causative (mood of the verb)
s. compulsory, forced, obligatory; ~ təhsil compulsory education; ~ əmək forced labour; ~ davamiyyət obligatory attendance
i. compulsion, obligation
i. 1. meeting; gathering; ümumi ~ general meeting; ~ı açmaq to open the meeting, to declare the meeting open; ~ı bağlamaq to close the meeting; 2
i. meeting-lover
i. liking for meeting
i. assessor; ◊ xalq ~sı People’s assessor
I. i. community, commune II. s. communal, common; ~ torpağı common (land)
i. round-up, review, commentary; idman ~ı sports round-up; mətbuat ~ı press round-up; siyasi hadisələrin ~ı the review of political events
i. commentator, reviewer; amer.: columnist; siyasi ~ political commentator; idman ~sı sports commentator
i. 1. fulfilment; execution; 2. (pyes haq.) performance; (musiqi əsəri haq.) rendering, rendition; ~ etmək to carry out (d
i. executor; məhkəmə ~sı bailiff, officer of the law
s. executive; ~ komitə executive committee; ~ hakimiyyət executive power; ~ orqanlar executive organs
s. (i.s.) without execution / discharge
s. (müxt. mənalarda) public, social; ~ quruluş social system; ~ elmlər social sciences; ~ mülkiyyət public property; ~ binalar public buildings; ~ şüu
s. social and useful
s. social and economic; ~ quruluş social and economic system
s. social and cultural
s. social and political, sociopolitical
s. to be* / to get* socialized, to become* socialized
fs. socialized; collectivized; ~ kənd təsərrüfatı collectivized agriculture
fi. socialization; collectivization; istehsal vasitələrinin ~si socialization of the means of production
f. to socialize (d.), to collectivize (d.)
fi. socialization, collectivization; istehsal vasitələrinin ~si socialization of the means of production
f. to be* / to get* socialized; to be* / to get* collectivized
i. social science
i. teacher of social sciences
i. the people; the community; the public; geniş ~ the general public, the public at large; elmi ~ the scientific community / world
i. public man*, person actively engaged in public life
I. i. inside, interior; otağın ~i the inside of the room; mağaranın ~i the interior of a cavern / cave; ◊ ~ini çəkmək to sigh II
i. 1. anat. internal organs; d.d. guts, entrails; 2. (qida) offal