n. body, physical form of a person or animal; corpse, carcass.
n. mischievous child; hellion, mischievous person.
v. disgrace, dishonor, put to shame; stain, spot, blemish; stigmatize, brand.
n. shame, dishonor, disgrace; spot, blemish; obloquy, defamation.
(-из, -на, -а/бедлем ая) also. бедлем (бедлем авун).
evil eye, whammy.
adj. unbridled; orgiastic.
(-из, -на, -а) also. безетмиш (безетмиш авун).
n. tradesman, merchant.
adj. weak, frail, feeble; faint; dilute, watery; limp, droopy.
v. cause to fall asleep; lull; opiate, narcotize.
adj. inadvisable, not recommended; unwise, imprudent; irrational, illogical.
adj. idle, unoccupied; indolent; vacuous.
n. idleness, inactivity, kief, inoccupation; lull, slack.
v. hurt; insult, offend; wrong, aggrieve.
(-из, -на, -а) also. бейкеф (бейкеф авун).
n. insult, affront, offense, umbrage.
also. бейкефдаказ.
adj. injured, offended; resentful; pained, sore.
adj. cruel, heartless, ruthless; remorseless, merciless; inexorable, relentless . БЕЙНАМУС adj. dishonorable, disgraceful, ignominious; shameful, infa
adj. uncomplaining, unmurmuring; submissive, resigned.
(-ини, -ина, -ер) n. poem, literary work that is written in verse; song.
adj. neutral; impartial; inert, having little or no chemical reaction (Chemistry). БЕЙТЕРЕФВАЛ adj. neutral; impartial; inert, having little or no che
adv. fairly, objectively, impartially.
adj. uninformed; unenlightened; unposted. БЕЙХАБАРВАЛ n. suddenness, abruptness; surprise, start. БЕЙХАБАРВИЛЕЛДИ also