f. 1. to carry (d.); çamadan / kitab və s. ~ to carry a trunk / a book, etc.; uşağı qucağında ~ to carry a child in one’s arms; yük ~ to carry load; 2. (külək, sel və s.) to carry along (d.), to drive* (d.); 3. (rəhbərlik etmək) to lead* (d.), to conduct (d.), to direct (d.); to run* (d.) dərs ~ to conduct a lesson; dərnək ~ to conduct / to run* a circle; iclas ~ to preside over a meeting; iş ~ to run* a business; Bu yol hara aparır? Where does this road lead?; mübarizə ~ to struggle (against, with), to carry on a struggle (against, with); elmi iş ~ to do* scientific work, to be* engaged in scientific work; müharibə ~ to wage war (on / against); to fight a war; təşviqat ~ to carry on propaganda; kampaniya ~ to carry on a campaign; söhbət ~ to have* / to hold* a conversation; danışıq ~ to negotiate (with), to carry on negotiations (with); özünü ~ to conduct oneself; özünü pis ~ (xüs. uşaq haq.) to misbehave; özünü yaxşı ~ (xüs. uşaq haq.) to behave (oneself); Özünü yaxşı apar! Behave your self!; 4. (ötürmək) to take* (d.); uşağı məktəbə ~ to take* a child to school; uşaqları kinoya ~ to take* the children to the cinema; 5. (oğurlamaq) to carry off (d.); d.d. to lift (d.); (qızı) to abduct (d.); (avtomobili, təyyarəni) to hijack (d.); (adamı) to kidnap (d.); 6. id. to win* (d.), to gain (d.); oyunu ~ to win* the game; ləkəni ~ to remove a stain; yuxu ~ to be* asleep; to fall* asleep; qan ~ to bleed* to death; fikir ~ to become* lost in thought, to be* taken away with thought, to give* oneself up to one’s thought; ağlını ~ (dəli etmək) to drive* mad (d.); (heyran etmək) to charm (d.), to captivate (d.); Onun gözləri mənim ağlımı apardı Her / His eyes captivated / charmed me; vaxt ~ to take* time; çox vaxt ~ to take* a lot of / much time; f. qulağını ~ to din (d.) in one’s ears


Значение слова в других словарях

внима́ние дуга́ злак имперфекти́в канонизова́ться метафизи́чный на свои́ новобра́чная перемо́лвиться подклю́вье разго́ночный съязви́ть хиа́зма душма́ны ока́тыш я́вочный ephemerides jetboat penurious psychasthenic skiff вывозиться насмехаться перчаточник разноголосица