-ы; ж.; анат. Продолговатая кость в середине передней стенки грудной клетки, соединяющая рёбра.
Tam oxu »money grubbing1 n tamahkarlıq; hərislik (pula) money grubbing2 adj acgöz; tamahkar, həris (pula)
Tam oxu »ру точка измерения en gauging point de Meßstelle fr point de mesure es punto de medición it punto di misurazione
Tam oxu »with a heavy heart / with the utmost reluctance / grudgingly / reluctantly / with a stab of regret /with a quaking conscience / much as one hated doin
Tam oxu »прил. анат. грудино-реберный. Döş-qabırğa oynaqları грудино-реберные суставы, döş-qabırğa bağı грудино-реберная связка
Tam oxu »reluctantly / grudgingly / with the utmost reluctance / with a stab of regret / with a quaking conscience / with a heavy heart / setting one’s teeth /
Tam oxu »adv. meanly, niggardly, in a stingy or cheap manner; grudgingly, begrudgingly.
Tam oxu »adv. meanly, niggardly, in a stingy or cheap manner; grudgingly, begrudgingly.
Tam oxu »adv. meanly, niggardly, in a stingy or cheap manner; grudgingly, begrudgingly.
Tam oxu »adv. meanly, niggardly, in a stingy or cheap manner; grudgingly, begrudgingly.
Tam oxu »adv. meanly, niggardly, in a stingy or cheap manner; grudgingly, begrudgingly.
Tam oxu »adv. unwillingly, reluctantly, grudgingly. ГЬЕВЕССУЗВАЛ n. disinclination, reluctance; aversion. ГЬЕВЕССУЗВИЛЕЛДИ also. гьевессуздаказ.
Tam oxu »adv. unwillingly, reluctantly, grudgingly. ГЬЕВЕССУЗВАЛ n. disinclination, reluctance; aversion. ГЬЕВЕССУЗВИЛЕЛДИ also. гьевессуздаказ.
Tam oxu »adv. unwillingly, reluctantly, grudgingly. ГЬЕВЕССУЗВАЛ n. disinclination, reluctance; aversion. ГЬЕВЕССУЗВИЛЕЛДИ also. гьевессуздаказ.
Tam oxu »to take another (a different) approach in judging smth. подойти с иного (другого) бока (увидеть, оценить что-либо с иных позиций)
Tam oxu »...to twaddle / to prattle / to wag one’s tongue / bla-bla / jaw-jaw / judging by smth. судить и рядить (обсуждать кого-либо или что-либо) / чесать язык
Tam oxu »adj. generous, open-handed, bountiful, bounteous; ungrudging, liberal; charitable, unsparing, benevolent.
Tam oxu »...hoarse sound in the throat while sleeping; snort, make a harsh grunting sound by forcing air through the nostrils; 2) n. grunt, snort, low gruff soun
Tam oxu »...unwillingly, loathly, reluctantly, with reluctance; half-heartedly; grudgingly; (həvəssiz) in a slipshod way; bir işi ~ görmək to do* smth. half-hear
Tam oxu »1 adj. generous, open-handed, bountiful, bounteous; ungrudging, liberal; charitable, unsparing, benevolent; 2) adj. large-hearted, magnanimous, genero
Tam oxu »1 adj. generous, open-handed, bountiful, bounteous; ungrudging, liberal; charitable, unsparing, benevolent; 2) adj. large-hearted, magnanimous, genero
Tam oxu »...rumour / to tell tales (stories) / to build a word / to gossip / judging by smth. / cast (throw) a stone at someone / to besmear (sully) one’s name /
Tam oxu »...work; гъил ахъа adj. generous, open-handed, bountiful, bounteous; ungrudging, liberal; charitable, unsparing, benevolent; гъил кӀеви adj. miserly, ni
Tam oxu »...work; гъил ахъа adj. generous, open-handed, bountiful, bounteous; ungrudging, liberal; charitable, unsparing, benevolent; гъил кӀеви adj. miserly, ni
Tam oxu »