Avropa s. European; ~ millətləri European nations
fi. Europeanization
f. to Europeanize (d.)
f. to become* / to be* Europeanized
s. European
Avstraliya s. Australian
i. Australian
Avstriya s. Austrian
i. Austrian
i. motor depot
s. autobiographic(al)
i. bax tərcümeyi-hal
i. bus, omnibus, motor bus; amer. autobus
i. mobile shop
s. autogenous; ~ qaynaq autogenous welding; ~ kəsmə autogenous cutting
i. motor transport column
i. truck crane
i. garage, motor-garage
i. articulated lorry, lorry and trailor(s)
i. fountain-pen
i. autograph
i. tex. automotive engine oil
i. motor road, high-way
i. motor vehicle, (yük) (motor-) lorry; amer. truck
I. i. automatic machine; (dəmir pulla iıləyən) slot-machine; (silah) submachine gun; amer. machine carbine; d
i. sub-machine gunner
I. s. automatic, self-acting II. z. automatically
i. 1. elm. automation; 2. (mexanizm) automated mechanism
i. bax avtomatizm
i. automatism
f. to be* automated / automatized
s. automated, automa tized
i. automation
f. 1. to automatize (d.); 2. (istehsalatı) to introduce automation (into), to automate (d.)
I. i. 1. (minik) (motor-) car; autocar; amer. automobile; 2. (yük) lorry; amer. truck; sanitar ~i ambulance; texniki yardım ~i breakdown van; amer
i. motorist
i. motor-car construction
i. traffic inspector / policeman*
i. (idarə) motor licencing and inspection department; (nəzarət) road worthiness inspection
i. motor transport
i. self-portrait
i. author; (qadın) authoress; (ədəbi əsərin avtoru) writer; (musiqi əsərinin avtoru) composer; (təklifin, fikrin avtoru) mover
i. synopsis of thesis
i. authority; prestige; ~i olmaq to have* authority, to enjoy authority, to have* prestige; ~ qazanmaq to gain / to win* authority / prestige
s. authoritative
s. (i.s.) without authority, (i.s.) having no authority
i. the state of having no author ity
i. tank-lorry, tank-truck
i. motor-car tourist, tourist travelling by car / coach
i. touring by car / coach, motortouring