f. to ask / to cause smb. to mark (d.)
s. (i.s.) with mark / sign, (i.s.) having mark / sign
i. the state of being marked
s. markless; (i.s.) without a mark / a sign
i. the state of being markless / signless
i. bax işarə
f. to shimmer, to glimmer, to flicker
i. shimmering, flicker, glimmer
s. (i.s.) capable of working, efficient
I. i. businessman*; (qadın) businesswoman* II. i. efficient, business-like
i. efficiency, business-like character
s. bax işbacaran
i. absence (from work)
s. efficient, business-like; hard-working; ~ katib an efficient secretary
i. business-like character, efficiency
i. worker, (qadın) woman-worker; ixtisaslı ~ skilled worker; rəhbər ~ person in charge
s. non-working; ~ vaxt nonworking time
i. business-like, efficient
i. discharge, dismissal
i. placing in a job, provision of employment
fi. tab. urination
I. i. to urine; to water, to piss tab. O, şalvarına işəyib He’s pissed his trousers II. f. to urinate; d
s.: ~ əmək haqqı piece-work payment, piece-rate pay
i. piece-worker
i. piece-work
s. bax işəyarayan
i. 1. ability to work; 2. helpfulness; usefulness
s. 1. able-bodied, (i.s.) capable of working, (i.s.) able to work; 2. helpful; useful, giving help
i. torture; ~ vermək to torture (d.), to put* (d.) to the torture; Polis onlara işgəncə verdi The police tortured them
s. agonizing, poignant; ~ şübhələr agonizing doubts; ~ xatirələr poignant memories
s. 1. business (attr.); ~ adam businessman*; ~ dairələr business circles; ~ söhbət talk on business matters; 2
z. bax işgüzarlıqla
z. efficiently, in an efficient way / manner
i. occupation; ~ etmək to occupy (d.); ölkəni / şəhəri və s. ~ etmək to occupy a country / town, etc
I. i. occupier, invader II. s. occupation; ~ ordu occupation troop
I. i. the character of being aggressive II. s. aggressive, annexationist, expansionist; ~ müharibələri wars of conquest / aggression, aggressive wars;
s. light-sensitive; ~ kağız sensitized paper; photographic paper
i. fiz. photo-sensitivity
I. i. light; gündüz işığı daylight; günəş işığı sunlight; ay işığı moonlight; ~da by the light; şam işığında by the light of a candle, by candlelight;
f. to be lightened / lighted
fi. 1. lighting, illumination; süni ~ artifical lighting; 2. məc. elucidation; (izah) interpretation
f. 1. to lighten (d.), to light up (d.); to illuminate (d.); otağı ~ to light the room; 2. məc. to elucidate (d
f. to light up, to brighten; to be* lighted; Səma işıqlanır The sky is brightening; İşıqlanır It is dawning, Day is breaking; İşıqlanıb It’s already d
z. as soon as day breaks, very early in the morning, as soon as dawn breaks
f. to brighten; to clear up; İşıqlaşır It’s dawning, Day is breaking
f. bax işıqlatmaq
f. to brighten (d.), to light (d.)
s. light; ~ otaq a light room; ◊ ~ dünya the world
i. lightness; otağın işıqlığı lightness of the room; işıqlığa çıxmaq to be* / to get* free, to begin to live happily; İşıqlığa çıxasan! Be happy
s. lightless; (i.s.) without light, (i.s.) having no light