f. tex. to metalize (d.)
i. mus. metallophone
i. kim. metalloid, non-metal
i. metallographe
i. metallography
i. metallurgy; qara ~ ferrous metal industry; əlvan ~ non-ferrous metal industry
s. metallurgical; ~ zavod metallurgical works; ~ sənayəsi metallurgical industry
i. metallurgist
i. science of metals; metallurgical science
s. metamorphical
i. geol. metamorphism
i. metamorphosis
i. kim. methane, marsh-gas
i. dilç. metathesis (pl. -s’es)
I. i. tib. metastasis (pl. -s’es) II. s. metastatic(al)
I. i. meteor II. s. meteoric
i. meteorite
i. meteorism
i. meteorography
i. meteorology
s. meteorological; ~ stansiya meteorological station; ~ məlumat metereological information
I. i. metereologist II. s. meteorological
i. meteorological station
i. methyl; ~ spirti wood-spirit
I. i. methylene II. s. methylene
i. biol. mongrel, half-breed; (adam haq.) metis
i. biol. cross-breeding
f. biol. to cross-breed
i. method; dialektik ~ dialectical method; analitik ~ analytical method; iş ~ları methods of work
s. systematic(al), methodic(al); ~ ədəbiyyat methodic literature
i. method(s) pl.; dillərin tədrisi ~sı methods of language teaching, methods of teaching languages
s. methodical
i. methodologist, specialist in teaching methods
i. methodology
s. methodological
i. methodologist
s. ədəb. metonymical
i. metonymy
i. 1. (uzunluq vahidi) metre; kvadrat ~ square metre; kub ~ cubic metre; 2. (ölçü aləti) metre measure ruler
i. 1. metric area; 2. (kino) footage (of film)
s.: tam ~ film full lentgh film; qısa ~film short length film, footage film
i. mətb. maker-up, clicker
s. 1. metric; ~ sistem metric system; ~ ölçü sistemi metric system of measures; 2. ədəb. metrical; şerdə ~ üsulu versification; ~ vurğu metrical stres
I. i. 1. the metro; 2. the underground; amer. subway II. s. metro; ~ tikintisi metro construction; ~ stansiyası the Metro station
i. metrology
s. metrological
i. specialist in metrology
i. fiz. metronome
i. the underground; amer. subway, metro; (Londonda) tube; Bakı Metropoliteni Baki Metro / Underground
i. parent state, mother country