I. i. (çiçək) poppy; tulip; dağ ~si tulip II. s. poppy; rosy; scarlet; ~ dodaqlar rosy / scarlet lips; ~ yanaqlar rosy / scarlet / pink cheeks; ~ toxu
s. tulip; (i.s.) with tulips / poppies; ~ çəmən flowering meadow; ~ bağ garden with poppies; ~ dağlar mountains with tulips
i. tulip-garden; partere
i. flowery meadows; a place full of different planted trees, flowers, etc
s. 1. overripe; ~ armud overripe pear(s); ~ zoğal overripe cornel(s) / cornelian cherry; 2. məc. blockhead, stupid
f. to get* / to grow* overripe
f. to become* dumb; məc. to grow* dumb
i. dumbness, muteness; Lallıq böyük bədbəxtlikdir Dumbness is a great misery / unhappiness
i. a man* / person without a country / not having a country
i. din. atheist, unbeliever
I. i. lamp; (radio) valve; neft ~sı kerosene / oil lamp; qoryuycu ~ safetylamp; elektron ~sı electron tube; mədən ~sı Davy-lamp II
i. lampshade
i. electric lamp, (electric) bulb
i. landscape, landscape scenery
əd. too, very, in a high degree, extremely, quite, fully; exactly, precisely; really; truly; ~ yaxşı very good; özünü ~ yaxşı hiss etmək to feel* very
I. s. sudden, abrupt, unexpected; ~ ölüm sudden death; ~ gəliş unexpected arrival / coming II. z. off-hand; suddenly, all of a sudden; abruptly, unexp
I. i. big long-necked race of hens II. s. azy, idler; ~ xoruz lazy cock; ~ adam lazy person, idler; lazy-bones
I. i. a very poor man* / person; ragtag and bobtail II. s. naked, unclothed, nude; ~ uşaq naked child*; ~ adam naked man* (həm də məc
I. s. cynical, obscene, bawdy, lewd; indecent; d.d. highly offensive; ~ zarafatlar / söhbət bawdy jokes / talk; ~ dil obscene language; ~ sözlər cynic
I. i. Latin II. s. Latin; ~əlifbası Roman alphabet, Roman letters; ~ dili Latin, the Latin language; ~ şrifti poliqr
I. s. Latin; ~ ingiliscə lüğət Latin-English dictionary II. z. Latin; ~ danışmaq to speak* Latin; ~ yazmaq to write* in Latin
i. (latın dili ilə məşğuş olan alim) Latin scholar
i. Latinizm
f. to Latinize (d.)
fi. Latinization
i. Lett; ~ kişi (qadın) Lett
z. Lettish; ~ yazmaq to write* in Lettish; ~ danışmaq to speak* Lettish
Latviya s. Latvian; ~ dili Latvian, the Latvian anguage
I. i. Latvian II. s. Latvian; ~ qız a Latvian girl
i. prize-winner; laureate; Füzuli mükafatı ~ı Fizuli prize-winner
i. lavash (bread baked of the thinly rolled dough)
s. lop-eared; ~ oğlan lop-eared boy
i. layer, stratum (pl.-ta),puff; (rəng) coat(ing); bed; torpaq ~ı earth layer; gil ~ı clay layer; nazik ~ çəkmək to apply a thin film / layer (of to);
I. s. geol. plicate, plicated; flakly; miner. schistose, schistous; ~ buludlar stratus clouds II. z. ~ yığmaq / toplamaq to stratify (d
I. i. project; design, scheme; (sənəd) draft, (qanun) bill; qərar ~sı draft resolution II. s. projecting, projection, planning
i. planner; designer, projector
f. to be* designed; to be* planned
s. designing, projection; ~ təşkilatları design / planning organizations
f. to project (d.), to design (d.), to plan (d.), to scheme (d.)
s. 1. suitable; worthy, estimable; deserving respect; ~ olmaq to deserve, to merit, to be* worthy of; ~li yer tutmaq to occupy / to take* fitting plac
z. decently, properly, worthily, becomingly, decorously; (yaxşı) quite well; in a proper manner; ~ qarşılanmaq to be* decently / properly met; ~ süfrə
I. s. worthy, decent; ~ adam / şəxs a man*of worth, a worthy person, a decent man*; ~ süfrə açmaq to lay* a decent table II
i. decency, decorum; decorousness, propriety; ~ xatirinə / naminə for the sake of propriety
I. s. indecent, obscene, nasty; indecorous, unseemly; improper, unworthy (of); mean; ~ (nalayiq) hərəkət mean action; ~ söz demək to say* indecent wor
i. indecency, impropriety; unseemliness; obscenity
layla(y) i. 1. lullaby, (beşik nəğməsi) a cradle song; 2. lull(ing); ~ demək (çalmaq) to sing* a cradle song; uşağı yatırtmaq üçün ~ çalmaq to lull a
f. to stratify (d.), to arrange in strata (d.)
f. to stratify, to form into strata; to be* stratified
f. to ask / to cause smb. to stratify (d.) / to arrange in strata (d.)