i. pakhlava (a kind of Eastern cake with nuts or almonds)
s. 1. clean; 2. honest; ~ adam honest man*
i. envelope, cover
I. s. clean; complete; Çox əcəb, Çox pakizə d.d. all right; O.K. II. z. cleanly, honestly; pak ~ yaşamaq to live cleanly / honestly
f. to seethe; to boil up
i. (all kind of) clothes
i. 1. (yük daşımaq üçün) pack-saddle; 2. (hamballarda) back pillow (for loaders)
i. pack-saddle maker
i. trade of a pack-saddle maker
f. to put* on pack-saddle / back pillow
f. to be* put on pack-saddle / back pillow
f. bax palanlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to put on pack-saddle / back pillow
s. 1. (i.s.) having pack-saddle on / back pillow on; 2. d.d. bax anlamaz, qanmaz
I. i. 1. (qanunverici orqan) chamber; 2. (nümayəndəlik) chamber; house; lordlar ~sı House of Lords; icmalar ~sı House of Commons; deputatlar ~sı Chamb
i. a kind of carpet without pile
I. i. d.d. lop-eared man* II. s. lop-eared; ~ oğlan a lop-eared boy
I. i. 1. mud; 2. (tikinti ücün) grout; 3. (dulusçuluq üçün) argil, potter’s clay; ~ tutmaq to prepare grout; (dulusçuluq üçün) to prepare argil / pott
f. to clay (d.), to mud (d.)
f. to ask / to force smb. to clay (d.)
f. bax palçıqlatdırmaq
s. muddy; (i.s.) covered with mud; ~ yol muddy road; ~ ayaqqabı muddy shoes; Yol palçıqlıdır The road is muddy
i. muddy place; area covered with mud
i. mud-scraper
i. pal(a)eontology
s. pal(a)eontologic(al)
i. pal(a)eontologist
I. i. oak; ağacı ~ an old oak II. s. oak; oaken; ~ ağacı oak tree; ~ meşəsi oak forest; ~ yarpağı oak-leaf; ~ qozası acorn; ~ qapı an oak door, a door
s. brown; ~ rəng brown colour
i. oakery, oak-wood, oak grove
I. i. bot. palm (-tree); xurma ~sı (ağacı) date (-palm) II. s. palm; ~ ağacı palm (-tree); (material) boxwood; ~ yağı palm oil
i. clothes pl.; bayram ~ı Sunday clothes; gündəlik ~ work-day clothes; hazır ~ store clothes; ready-made clothes, üst ~ı street clothes; iş ~ı (kombin
paltaras(ıl)an i. 1. peg, rack, stand; (dəhlizdə) hall-stand; 2. (paltarda) tab, hanger
i. etnoqr. ritual ceremony of cutting out and demonstrating dresses for bride (an old tradition of Azerbaijani people)
i. fabric fit / suitable for clothes
i. cloak-room attendant
i. laundress; (maşın) washingmachine
i. overcoat, topcoat (top-coat)
i. fabric / cloth for overcoat; overcoat goods
I. i. 1. cotton, (təmizlənmiş) cotton wool; təmizlənməmiş ~ cotton in seed, raw cotton; uzun lifli ~ long staple cotton; 2
i. toxuc. comber, carder
i. 1. (mütəxəssis) cotton planter; 2. (becərən işçi) cotton-grower
I. i. cotton-growing; Pambıqçılıq respublikamızın kənd təsərrüfatı sahələrindən biridir. Cotton-growing is oneof the fields of agriculture in our repu
s. cotton-spinning; ~ fabriki cotton-spinning factory
i. bot. cotton-plant, cotton plantation
s. cotton-cleaning; ~ zavod cotton-cleaning plant; ~ maşın cotton gin
s. cotton-picker; ~ maşın cotton-picking machine
i. panorama; Bu panorama Bakının bir mənzərəsini əks etdirir This panorama represents a view of Baku
I. i. 1. papakh (tall Caucasian hat usually made of sheepskin); 2. cap; dəri ~ fur cap; ingilis krallarının tacqoyma mərasimində qoyulan ~ cap of main