f. to tie together (d.); to bind* (d.); to connect (d. with)
f. bax rabitələtmək
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to tie together (d.) / to connect (d.)
s. connected; coherent; ~ nitq coherent speech
i. connectedness, coherency, coherence
I. s. incoherent, jerky; disconnected; ~ nitq curt / halting speech; ~ sözlər incoherent words II. z
i. incoherence; abruptness
i. rajah
I. i. radar II. s. radar; ~ qurğusu radar installation
i. (radələrində): axşam saat beş radələrində at about 5 o’clock in the evening; close on to 5 o’clock in the evening
i. fiz. radiation, radiance; günəş ~sı solar radiation; atom ~sı atomic radiation; ~nın təsiri the effects of radiation
s. radiation (attr.), (i.s.) having radiation, (i.s.) with radiation; ~ xəstəlik radiation sickness
i. (evdə, maşında) radiator
I. i. radical II. s. radical; ~ mərkəz radical centre; ~ qrup radical group; ~ müalicə radical cure; ~ dəyişiklik radical / sweeping changes; ~ tədbir
s. riyaz. radicand; ~ ədəd / ifadə radicand
i. siya. radicalism
i. 1. siya. radicalism, radicality; 2. (müalicə, tədbir) efficacy
i. tib. radiculitis
I. i. radio, wireless; ~ çəkmək to install a radio; ~ ilə by radio; over the air; ~ ilə vermək to broadcast (d
s. kim. fiz. radioactive; ~ izotoplar radio-isotopes, radioactive isotopes; ~ çöküntü radioactive fall-out, ~ element radioactive elements; ~ parçalan
f. to be* radioactive, to get* / to become* radioactive
i. kim. fiz. radioactivity
i. radio-altimeter
s. radio-astronomic, radioastronomical
i. radio-astronomy
i. radio-autograph
i. radio-autography
i. radio-biology
i. radio-biologist
i. wireless operator, radioman*, radio operator; dən. telegraphist
i. the profession of a radio operator
i. radiowave
i. radio-element
i. radio-relay-race
i. radio-review
i. radio-chemistry
i. radio-club
i. radio-constructor
i. (wireless / radio) receiver, radio-receiving set; ~ stansiya receiving station
i. radio-newspaper
i. broadcasting / radio centre, radio network, radio relay centre
i. radiograph
i. radiography
i. radiogram; wireless (message); radio-telegram; ~ almaq to receive a radiogram
i. radio-gramophone
i. radio-location, radar
fi. (i.s.) installation of radio; kəndlərin ~ması installation of radio in villages
f. to be* provided / equipped with radio
fi. installation of wireless / radio
f. to install radio (d. in)