f. to rest; to be* soothed / calmed
f. to calm (d.), to quiet (d.), to soothe (d.); to create quietness / cosiness / comfortableness
f. to calm, to quiet, to soothe / to become* quiet
i. rest, calm, calmness, quiet, tranquility, comfortableness; rahatlığını pozmaq to worry (d.), to trouble (d
s. 1. uneasy, restless; 2. comfortless, not cosy
i. 1. anxiety, concern, uneasiness; (həyəcanlılıq) nervousness, agitation; 2. (rahatlığı pozma) trouble
i. rahat lakoum, Turkish delight
i. din. monk, abbot
z. like a monk, as a monk
i. din. nun; ~ kimi nunnish
i. monkhood; monasticism; monkery
f. bax rahatlamaq
i. tib. rachitis, rickets; ~ xəstəliyinə tutulmuş sufferer from rickets / rachitis
s. tib. rachitic, rickety
i. rachitism
I. i. 1. rocket; ~ buraxmaq to launch / to start / to dispatch a rocket; 2. hərb. missile; kosmik ~ space rocket; ballistik ~ ballistic missile; uzaqm
i. (raket texnikası üzrə mütəxəssis) rocketeer; rocket signaller
i. missile carrier; carrier-rocket
i. id. racket
i. rocketeer
i. rocket production
i. rocket air field, rocket-drome
i. ~ etmək 1. to subordinate (d. to), to tame (d.), to subdue (d.); ~ olmaq to submit (to); 2. hərb. to place (d
i. the ninth month of the Muslim year
i. teatr. footlights pl
i. (a kind of apple) rennet
i. id. foil
i. fencer (with foils)
i. report; ~ vermək to report; ~ qəbul etmək to receive / to hear* a report; gəlişi haqqında ~ vermək to report oneself (to)
i. mus. rhapsody
i. ration, food allowance
s. 1. rational; əməyin ~ təşkili rational organization of labour; ~ dövrə rational chain; ~ sikl rational cycle; ~ inikas rational mapping; ~ ədəd riy
i. rationalist
i. fəls. rationalism
fi. riyaz. rationalization; inteqralaltı ifadənin rasionlaşdırılması rationalization of integral
i. rationality
f. to rationalize (d.)
I. i. mus. rast (one of the Azerbaijani mughams) II. z. 1. straight; 2. neatly, to the point; O, rast atır He shots neatly; ~ gəlmək to come* across,
f. to make* smb. meet with smb. (or smth.)
f. to meet* (d. with), (təsadüfən) to come* across (d.); (təkbətək) to encounter (d.)
i. ratin (a kind of fabric)
i. id. round; birinci, ikinci və s. ~ the first / the second etc. round
i. aroma, fragrance, perfume
s. aromatic, fragrant; ~ çiçəklər fragrant flowers; ~ bitkilər aromatic plants
i. district committee
I. i. 1. region (inzibati bölgü) district; 2. (ərazi) area, vicinity, N ~unda in the N area, in the vicinity of N II
s. (rayonlararası) interdistrict; ~ hidroqovşağı inter-district hydrotechnical constructions pl
fi. division into districts
f. to be* districted, to be* divided into districts
fs. (i.s.) divided into districts