fi. installation of wireless / radio
f. to be* provided / equipped with radio
i. science about / of radio
I. i. radio-locator, radar (-set) II. s. radio-locating; radar; ~ qurğusu radar installation
i. radiologist
i. radio-mast, radio-tower
i. radio shop department
i. radio (-range) beacon
i. radio engineering
i. radio-meteorology
s. radio-meteoric; ~ stansiya radio-meteoric station
i. radio-fitter
i. radio-navigation
i. radio-operator
i. (wireless / radio) transmitter
i. wireless / radio direction finder; radiogoniometer
i. radio-projector, radiosearchlight
i. radio-prognosis
i. radio-relation, wireless contact
i. radio- reporting, radio commentary
i. radio-loudspeaker
i. wireless signal; vaxt bildirən ~ wireless time signal
i. radio station, wireless station
i. radio-studio
i. radio-engineer
i. radio-theatre
i. wireless / radio mechanic
i. radiotelephone
i. radio telephonist
i. radio telegraphist
i. wireless, radio-telegram, radiogram
i. broadcasting
radioveriliş (radio verilişi) i. radio-transmission, broadcast; ~i dinləmək to listen in; birinci / ikinci proqramla ~ broadcasting on the first / sec
i. radio-mill, radio plant
i. wireless operator, radioman*, radio operator; (dəniz) telegraphist
i. the profession of a wireless operator
I. i. kim. radium II. s. kim. radium; ~ bromid radium bromide; ~ karbonat radium carbonate; ~ xlorid radium chloride; ~ sulfat radium sulfate
i. radius (pl.-dii)
i. kim. radon
I. i. lump sugar II. s.: ~ zavodu (sugar) refinery
s. fine, refined
f. to refine (d.); to purify (d.)
I. s. 1. comfortable, easy; ~ kreslo comfortable / cosy arm-chair; ~ otaq cosy room; 2. quiet, calm tranquil; placid; serene; ~ buraxmaq to leave* smb
z. bax rahatca
z. quietly, calmly; freely, easily
i. bax rahatlıq
i. d.d. bax ayaqyolu I
f. 1. to calm (d.), to quiet (d.), to soothe (d.); 2. to set* at rest / ease (d.); to create comfort
f. bax rahatlamaq