I. i. (india-)rubber, rubber II. s. rubber; ~ qaloş rubber galoshes / overshoes, rubbers; ~ çəkmə rubber boot; d
s. (i.s.) with rubber, (i.s.) having rubber
i. resonance; məc. echo; response; ~ vermək məc. to have reprecussions
i. fiz. resonator
i. din. God, Heavens; Ya Rəbb! Oh, My God! Heavens!
i. 1. tie, bond; 2. connection; relation; ~ etmək to tie together (d.), to bind*(d.); (fikirləri) to connect (d
i. the seventh month of the year according to the Moslem calendar
i. removal; ~ etmək 1) to reject (d.), to turn down (d.); 2) to move off / away; ~ olmaq to go* away, to disappear; Rədd ol!Away with you; Be off; Get
s. bax inkaredilməz
I. i. shelf (pl. shelves); kitab ~i bookshelf* II. i. removal; ~ etmək to remove (d.); maneələri ~ etmək to remove / to break*down barriers; çətinliyi
s. removing, obviating
i. bax dost I
I. s. friendly, amicable; ~ baxış friendly look / glance II. z. amicably, in a friendly way
i. (lady-)friend, (girl-) friend
i. friendship; goodwill (of girls or women)
i. behaviour, conduct, action, act, manners pl.; treatment (of); pis ~ bad* behaviour, misbehaviour, ill treatment, maltreatment; kobud ~ cruelty to s
s. pleasant, well-mannered, urbane; sociable
i. bax rəftar
s. unsociable, self-contained, unkind
i. unsociability, unsociableness
i. sympathy (with), liking (for), goodwill, kindness; ~ bəsləmək to be* in sympathy (with); to sympathize (with), to feel* drawn to smb
f. to be* encouraged, to be* given an incentive (to)
f. to draw* / to attract smb.’s attention
s. attractive, winning, lik(e) able
i. lik(e) ableness, attractiveness
s. unattractive, uninviting, disgusting
i. unattractiveness, dislik(e)ableness
qoş. in spite of; despite, contrary to; notwithstanding
I. i. leader; chief; sinif ~i class manager / master II. s. leading; guiding; partiyanın ~ rolu the leading role of the Party; ~ ideyalar leading idea
i. 1. leadership, guidance; operativ ~ operative management; rəhbərliyi altında under the (direct) leadership / guidance (of); ~ etmək to lead* (d
s. leading, guiding
i. mercy, charity, pity, compassion; ~ etmək to feel* sorry (for), to pity (d.), to compassionate (d
s. good-natured, merciful, charitable; ~ olmaq to be* good-natured / merciful
i. mercy, charity, goodnature; ~ göstərmək to be* sorry (for), to feel* sorry (for)
i. paradise; ~ oxumaq to pray (for)
I. i. the deceased II. s. late, deceased, memorable; of blessed memory
s. bax rəhmli
s. good-natured, kind, merciful, charitable; ~ adam good - natured man*; ~ olmaq to be* kind; to feel* sorry / mercy
i. the state of being good-natured / kind / charitable
s. pitiless, merciless; (qəddar) ruthless; callous, heartless, unmerciful, cruel
z. bax rəhmsizcəsinə
z. without mercy, mercilessly, ruthlessly, cruelly
f. to become* hardened / embittered / merciless / pitiless
i. mercilessness, ruthlessness; bitterness; fierce, cruelty, heartlessness
i. 1. guarantee, base, pledge; dostluğun ~i pledge of friendship; 2. məc. main condition; Xalqların dostluğu sülhün rəhnidir Friendship of nations is
i. head, chief; superior; stansiya ~i station-master; tikinti ~i construction chief; liman ~i harbour-master; qatar ~i train-master, train-chief; sex
i. command, authorities, supremacy; ~ etmək to command (d.); to predominate (over), to dominate (d.), to be* in command (of)
i. subject, citizen; Birləşmiş krallığın ~i a subject of the United Kingdom
i. citizenship; ~ qəbul etmək to be* naturalized, to become* a citizen (of), to take* out citizenship
s. bax rəiyyətpərvər