i. radiologist, rontgenologist
s. rontgenoscopic (al)
i. rontgenoscopy
i. X-ray therapy, rontgenotherapy, X-ray treatment
i. el. rheostat
i. teatr. repertoire, repertory
i. rehearsal; son ~ dress rehearsal; ~ etmək to rehearse (d.)
i. 1. teatr. cue; ~ vermək to give* the cue; 2. (irad) remark; 3. (etiraz) retort, rejoinder; ~ atmaq to retort
i. reporting; reportage; ~ aparmaq to report
i. reporter; televiziya ~u TV reporter; qəzet ~u newspaper reporter
i. reproduction
s. reproductive; ~ metod reproductive method
i. rad. loudspeaker
i. review; teatr. notice; ~ yazmaq to write* a review; to criticize (d.); kitaba ~ vermək / yazmaq to review a book
i. reviewer; (əlyazmasına resenziya verən) reader
I. i. recipe; (həkim) prescription; hazır ~ (həm də məc.) ready-made formula; cut and dried instructions II
i. 1. set-back, recurrence; 2. tib. relapse
i. hüq. recidivist, old offender, repeater
i. hüq. recidivism
i. demonstration, parade
i. respiration
i. respirator
I. i. republic; demokratik ~ democratic republic; muxtar ~ Autonomous Republic; Xalq ~sı people’s Republic II
i. republican
i. republicanism
i. restaurant; gecə ~ı evening restaurant
i. relaying, retransmission
i. fot. retouch, retouching
i. retoucher
f. to retouch (d.)
i. 1. revenge; 2. id. return match
i. revanchist; ~ olmaq to be* a revanchist
i. revanchism
i. curts(e)y; ~ etmək to make* / to drop a curts(e)y, to curts(e)y
i. revisionist
i. siya. revisionism
i. rheumatology
I. i. tib. rheumatic II. s. tib. rheumatic; ~ ağrılar rheumatic pains / jerks
I. i. tib. rheumatism; d.d. rheumatics pl.; oynaq ~i rheumatic fever II. s. tib. rheumatic
i. rheumatologist
i. tib. rheumatic heart disease
i. revolver, (revolver) pistol; altıpatronlu ~ six-shooter revolver
I. i. dən. road, roadstead; roads pl. II. i. hərb. raid; polis ~i police raid
i. Reichschancellor
i. Reichstag
i. tex. lath; dişli ~ rack; yerölçən ~ geod. surveyor’s pole / rod
i. trip, run; dən. voyage, passage, birinci ~ (təzə qatarın, gəminin, təyyarənin və s.) maiden trip; (gəmi) maiden voyage
i. 1. (çertyoj aləti) drawing-pen, ruling-pen; 2. (karandaş üçün) pencilholder
i. 1. (at minmək üçün) breeches, riding-breeches; 2. pantaloons, long pants
i. 1. resident; 2. (xəfiyyə) foreign resident; fixed-post spy