f. to be* forced / to be* asked s.o. to thin out
f. to ask / to force smb. to thin out (d.), to make* smb. thin (d.) / to rarefy (d.)
f. to thin out (d.), to thin (d.); to rarefy (d.)
i. 1. place for outing / picnic; 2. space, spaciousness
i. bax seyrangah
s. seismic; ~ rayon seismic country
i. seismograph
s. seismographical
i. seismography
i. seismology
s. seismic, seismological
i. seismologist
i. seismometer
i. bax eyvan
s. bax eyvanlı
f. to let* smb. notice / feel (d.)
f. to be* felt / noticed; to make* oneself / itself felt; to let* oneself / itself be noticed
f. to feel* (d.), to notice (d.), to perceive (d.); to have* a sensation
i. happiness; luck, good fortune
s. happy; fortunate, lucky
s. unhappy; miserable, unfortunate
i. unhappiness, misfortune
i. zephyr, a soft gentle wind; ~ yeli a soft gentle morning wind
i. stability; tenacity-power
s. constant, steady, steadfast, staunch (stanch), stable; (adam) persistent; ~ mübariz staunch champion / fighter; ~ dost a constant friend
i. steadfastness, staunchness, stableness; ~ göstərmək to display determination / fortitude
s. unstable, non-persistent; (adam) inconstant; ~ aşiq an inconstant lover
i. inconstancy, unsteadiness, instability; ~ göstərmək to display inconstancy / unsteadiness
i. cause, reason; motive; ~ və nəticə cause and effect; bu və ya digər ~dən for some reason or other; bir şeyin ~i olmaq to be* at the bottom of smth
I. i. causality, causation; ~ əlaqəsi / qanunu the law of causality II. s. causal, causative; ~ əlaqəsi causal relationship
i. instigator; (mənfi mənada) culprit; cinayətin ~ı committer / perpetrator of a crime; təntənənin ~ı hero of the festivities
i. culpability; guilt
s. (i.s.) having cause / reason
I. s. causeless, groundless, motiveless II. z. causelessly, without cause / reason / motive; ~ şikayət etmək to complain without cause / reason
i. lack of cause / reason / motive; groundlessness
i. basket; kağız üçün ~ waste-paper basket; paltar ~i clothes-basket
i. little / small basket
i. bax səbəttoxuyan
i. the trade of a basket-maker; ~ etmək to be* busy with making and selling baskets
i. basket-maker
i. patience; endurance; bir kəsin səbrini tükətmək to try smb.’s patience, to exasperate smb.; səbri tükənmək to lose* one’s patience; ~ kasası daşmaq
i. bax səbir; ~ı olmamaq to have* no patience, can’t stand / bear*
z. patiently, with patience; ◊ Səbirlə halva bişər ey qora, səndən ≅ Everything has its time
s. patient; tempered, temperate; ~ olmaq to be* patient
i. patience; (dözümlülük) endurance; temperance
s. impatient, (i.s.) without patience; ~ olmaq to be* impatient
f. to be* / to get* impatient
i. impateince; ~ etmək / göstərmək to express impatience, to display impatience
z. impatiently, with impatience; ~ gözləmək to wait impatiently (for); (yaxşı mənada) to look forward to, to wait eagerly
i. bax tərəvəz I